(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Revisionist Editor fined in France

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A French court fined a magazine editor $5,200 for publishing revisionist articles. Gabriel Andres, editor of Rot un Wiss (Red and White) questioned the existence of “gas chambers” at Struthof-Natzweiler, a concentration camp in Alsace. Supporters of the orthodox Holocaust story believe that SS Professor August…

German Censors Indict CompuServe Official

On February 26, a CompuServe official was indicted for providing access to objectionable materials on the Internet. German prosecutors indicted Felix Somm, the Managing Director of CompuServe operations in Germany and Central Europe, for allegedly distributing “illegal pornography” and “other materials.” This marks the first case in which an indictment was rendered against a service…

Germans Imprison Revisionist Journalist

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A German court has sentenced Hans-Christian Wendt, a 25 year-old journalist to one year in jail for spreading “neo-Nazi propaganda.” The court found Wendt, a member of the “Die Nationalen'' group, guilty of inciting racial hatred. In its judgment, the court used typical rhetoric branding Wendt…

Germany Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996

Germany The Federal Republic of Germany is a constitutional parliamentary democracy with an independent judiciary; citizens periodically choose their representatives in free and fair multiparty elections. The head of the Federal Government, the Chancellor, is elected by the lower house of Parliament. The powers of the Chancellor and of the Parliament are set forth in…

ISO announces protest against prof’s controversial web page

The International Socialist Organization plans a Monday morning protest to get Prof. Arthur Butz's Holocaust revisionary theory off-line. The International Socialist Organization plans to continue protesting against Prof. Arthur Butz and his web page. At its weekly meeting last night, ISO said they will protest 9 a.m. Monday outside of Tech LR8–Butz's classroom. Once again,…

Smith’s Campus Brief: Catholic University & University of Chicago

Holocaust RevisionismWhy the panic? Judge for yourself. The evidence, the theory, the censorship. http://www.codoh.comOr: [old mailing address] Doc. 1: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Holocaust Revisionism Why are the Thought Police panicked?Read the evidence. Judge for yourself. http://www.codoh.com [old mailing address] Doc. 2: Ad submitted to Catholic University of America Catholic University of…

German Court Orders Nuremberg book Confiscated, Author Fined

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A judge in Munich has ruled that Carlos Porter has violated the German law against defamation and desecration. Mr. Porter has been fined 6,000 DM for writing and distributing his revisionist analysis of the Nuremberg trials, Not Guilty at Nuremberg. The total fine amounts to 6,000…

Police Raid Revisionist Bookstore in Spain

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Spanish police raided a Barcelona bookstore and seized over 7,000 books. Some of the confiscated books questioned the traditional holocaust story while other are said to have espoused National Socialism. According to Spanish thoughtpolice, Pedro Varela, the store's owner, was arrested and later released on bail….

Austrian Website Owner Jailed, Threatened w/10 Years in Prison

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Chemical engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich has been jailed and threatened with ten years imprisonment for operating his World War Two revisionist website (once at http://www.c2.net/~bs-org/frohlich/frohlich.htm), according to information The Campaign for Radical Truth in History has received from [email protected]. bs-org writes : “Fröhlich is or rather was…

Lutheran Minister Sentenced to Six Months for Revisionism

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A lower court in Heilbronn, Germany, has sentenced Manfred Junger, 58 years old, to six months imprisonment without probation for distributing pamphlets which challenge the official history of the “Holocaust.” The pamphlets cast doubt on the claims regarding “gas chambers” at Auschwitz. This is the second…

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