

Roy Bullock: ADL Informant

Veteran subscribers with extraordinary memories may recognize the name of Roy Bullock from a brief item about him in the January 1987 issue of IHR Newsletter. It told readers that Bullock was a paid agent of the Zionist Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith. Bullock, the item went on, is paid to gather information for the…

Historians Wrangle over the Destruction of European Jewry

International historical conventions dealing with the question of the “destruction of the Jews during World War II” have been rare up to now, the consensus being that such events were superfluous. On that subject, historians had fundamentally adhered to what had been pronounced as “historical fact” at the various show trials held by the victorious…

Volunteers Are Key in Growing Campus Campaign

Last month’s issue of Smith’s Report underlined the importance of CODOH's recent volunteers in carrying out the ongoing Campus Project: inserting small, simple, devilish ads that challenge the Thought Police and point university newspaper readers—virtually all of whom have easy access to the Internet—directly to CODOH’s revisionist Website, CODOHWeb, where they find a cornucopia of…

Smith Flies to Washington D.C. to Tour the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Just as Auschwitz in Poland is the centerpiece of the Holocaust cult in Europe, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. has instantly become the focal point of the cult in North America. No one doubted that it would. The Washington Museum, with its hugely successful opening, has become the organizing instrument around…

CODOH Prepares to Hang High the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Working in tandem with independent American revisionist scholar Samuel Crowell, the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust has fired the first gun in a campaign to expose fake evidence of a homicidal Nazi gas chamber on prominent display at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D C. Samuel Crowell made the discovery that…

CODOH Ups the Ante for the Anti-Defamation League

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust has launched the most daring initiative to publicize the case for Holocaust revisionism ever attempted in America. CODOH’s latest campus advertisement couples the twin issues of the revisionist scholarly challenge to the Holocaust legends together with the taboo against addressing them by offering a quarter of a million…

ADL Coordinates “Response” to CODOH’s Campus Project

They're saying as little as possible in public, they’re ashamed of what they're about, but electronic mail communications obtained by CODOH confirm that the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel are doing what they can, under the table, to stop CODOH advertisements from running in student newspapers across America. It’s clear they’re worried—worried that these simple, inexpensive…

Outlaw History #17

Early this morning I received a call from a student at U Minnesota saying that she is working on a “profile” of Stephen Feinstein, Director of the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (CHGS), at the College of Liberal Arts. The student wanted my perspective on Professor Feinstein. While the young lady sounded like a…

What is the real Racial/Ethnic agenda of the ADL?

The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) is probably well known to most readers of this Website. This New York based, tax-exempt Jewish-Zionist religious organization with affiliates in forty-two countries claims to be one of the premier civil rights organizations in the world, and allegedly, ending discrimination and securing equal rights for all are among…

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