Campus Project

“No subject enrages the Thought Police on campus more than Holocaust revisionism. Students are encouraged to debate every other great historical question as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Jewish Holocaust story and exception. I believe students should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust controversy the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical controversy. This isn't a radical point of view. The premises for it were worked out a while back during a little something called the Enlightenment.”

Bradley R. Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist, p. 99

Starting in the late 1980's, Bradley Smith began a campaign to publish advertisements in college newspapers. The intention was to foster open debate on the Holocaust story throughout the country. What follows is a partial list of those advertisements, reactions to them by students, professors, pressure groups and the media, as well as additional information which has been collected over the years. A few of the ads offered financial compensation for promoting the controversy in a national forum. The terms of these ads have expired and are presented here for historical and research purposes only.

What became known as the “Campus Campaign” was discussed in some detail, albeit a very biased account, in a chapter entitled “The Battle for the Campus” in Deborah Lipstadt's highly subjective book Denying the Holocaust. While Smith argued directly for intellectual freedom and open debate on campus, Lipstadt, a professor, took the opposing view — that ideas, especially dissident ideas regarding the Holocaust story, were not worthy of discussion in America's colleges and universities.

Zionism and the Ivy League

Midstream is an occasionally interesting Zionist publication that I've read off and on for twenty-five years. In April '92 it published an article on CODOH and the Campus Project titled “Revisionism, Free Speech, and the Campus” by Carlos C. Huerta, a writer living in Jerusalem. Huerta writes that “perhaps the most revealing thing to come…

The Campus Project

WINTER 1990/91: Northwestern University deserves our immediate and very serious attention. There is an opening there to promote open debate on the Holocaust that is so promising we cannot afford to not take advantage of it. I want to pursue that opportunity with a series of actions that are simple, direct and comprehensive. Here is…

Holocaust Lobby at University of Texas Reels under Multi-Pronged Revisionist Attack

As reported in the last issue of Smith’s, David Cole’s Open Letter to the Daily Texan was run as a half-page advertisement in that paper on Friday 19 February. The ad informed the reader about our video “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper” and pointed out that the Texan , rather than allowing both sides…

News and Notes

For some years now I have been writing a special cover letter to go with the December issue of this Report. Needing a little shove to get going I was searching for cover letters I wrote here for Christmas in 2004 and hopefully in 1994. Or there about. It could be interesting. As it turned…

Truth Tuesdays at UCLA

Because of space issues, these are very heavily edited notes from Zan Overall’s Truth Tuesdays on the steps of the Powell Library at UCLA. He’s been there for 17 Tuesdays as of this writing. Each Tuesday he talks—or “barks” as he has it—on the Holocaust, 9/11, and the “hate Whitey” movies such as the recent…

Don’t Fall for the Holohoax!

The following reproduces the text of a leaflet that Zan Overall wrote and is distributing on the campus at UCLA. His plan is to appear on campus each Tuesday in a campaign he refers to as “Truth Tuesday.” I would not phrase everything the way Zan phrases it maybe, but this is man in his…

Smith Addresses the Editor of the “Daily Aztec” and His Academic Supervisors

Leonardo Castaneda, EditorThe Daily AztecSan Diego State UniversitySan Diego, CaliforniaEmail [email protected]Telephone (619) 594-4190 14 October 2013 Mr. Castaneda: On 03 September 2013 I submitted an advertisement to the Daily Aztec to be run online as a banner ad. The text of the ad read: “A Cover-up at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum?” Those nine…

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