Campus Project

“No subject enrages the Thought Police on campus more than Holocaust revisionism. Students are encouraged to debate every other great historical question as a matter of course, but influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Jewish Holocaust story and exception. I believe students should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust controversy the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical controversy. This isn't a radical point of view. The premises for it were worked out a while back during a little something called the Enlightenment.”

Bradley R. Smith, Break His Bones: The Private Life of a Holocaust Revisionist, p. 99

Starting in the late 1980's, Bradley Smith began a campaign to publish advertisements in college newspapers. The intention was to foster open debate on the Holocaust story throughout the country. What follows is a partial list of those advertisements, reactions to them by students, professors, pressure groups and the media, as well as additional information which has been collected over the years. A few of the ads offered financial compensation for promoting the controversy in a national forum. The terms of these ads have expired and are presented here for historical and research purposes only.

What became known as the “Campus Campaign” was discussed in some detail, albeit a very biased account, in a chapter entitled “The Battle for the Campus” in Deborah Lipstadt's highly subjective book Denying the Holocaust. While Smith argued directly for intellectual freedom and open debate on campus, Lipstadt, a professor, took the opposing view — that ideas, especially dissident ideas regarding the Holocaust story, were not worthy of discussion in America's colleges and universities.

The Campus Project

In January I received an email message from a Pierce College (Tacoma WA) student who had found the CODOH Website on the Internet. He wanted to help. I submitted an ad announcing that 46 Unanswered Questions About the World War II Gas Chambers are available free on the Internet to the Pierce College Pioneer. The…

Everything Is Going Our Way Now

Everything is going our way now. The great censorship confrontation on the Internet (it began with pornography and quickly moved against Ernst Zuendel’s Web-site and revisionism) and the coalescing of free-press organizations to fight against President Clinton’s “Communications Decency Act” (which is considerably more complicated and dangerous than is yet understood by the public) will…

Break His Bones

I mentioned in SR27 that a major U.S. periodical wanted to take a look at an excerpt from the manuscript. It was The New Yorker. I have to say that once again I felt an enthusiastic optimism about the possibility of being published in an important periodical. There are some of us who can never…

The Campus Project

Early in the month I signed up temporarily with America On Line (AOL) so I could access the Internet (the “Net”) and browse around through the World Wide Web (the “Web”), which is where I will set up the permanent CODOH Website. There were installation problems I could not solve so I had to call…

$2,000 Matching Funds Offer

Last month a generous, practical and imaginative Indiana man offered to “match” contributions of $250 or more up to a total of $2,000, with the stipulation that his contribution go specifically toward retiring my most costly credit card balance. That was Discover Card, where my debt was $4,880. (The interest payments on this debt alone…

Campus Project

Friend: REVISIONIST VIDEOTAPE ON AUSCHWITZ IN HANDS OF NEARLY ALL FOREIGN LEADERS With the help of an Oregon supporter I mailed a copy of the Auschwitz video, “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” to the presidents, prime ministers and sundry tyrants who rule the governments in Eastern Europe and the old Soviet Empire, the Moslem…

The Campus Project

The Campus Project has been a tremendous success over the past five years. I’ve run essay/advertisements in more than 70 student newspapers, many at some of the most prestigious universities in America. There have been hundreds of editorials and print stories about the project in both student and metropolitan papers, a stream of radio and…

The Campus Project

Three more student newspapers have run the CODOH ad challenging the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to display evidence demonstrating the existence of homicidal gassing chambers or that at least one person was “gassed” as part of a State program of genocide. They include Oberlin College, Wittenberg University, and Middlesex Community College. Oberlin, in Oberlin Ohio,…

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