
Holocaust revisionism is the Western World’s biggest taboo. Hence there is an almost complete blackout about revisionism, except when it comes to maligning revisionists and misrepresenting their views. Hence, reaching out to the misinformed public is of primary importance. This part of our website deals with our various efforts to break through the walls of silence.

Articles in Printed Format Available from the CODOH Website

Do you want to see something of what we are publishing “electronically” on the CODOH Website? Following are representative articles and excerpts from books produced by writers and scholars around the world, working usually in great personal isolation, oftentimes under threat from the State, and with little hope of financial reward or public favor. No…

The World Wide Web: What Is It and Why Is It Important to Revisionism?

(Richard Widmann is Co-Webmaster of the Bradley Smith / CODOH Website.) As readers of this newsletter are well aware, Bradley Smith has a presence on the World Wide Web (WWW). But what exactly is the WWW? It is currently estimated that 40 million people internationally have access to the Internet. The Internet is a loose…

Editors at 75 College Newspapers Receive First Internet Mailing from CODOH

Patrick J. Buchanan’s statements in support of the legal rights of some accused World War II criminals, as well as his support for some aspects of revisionist theory about the Nazi “gas chambers,” have been the target of columnists, academics, politicians and special interest groups for years. On 6 March I mailed a 750-word opinion…

The Campus Project

In January I received an email message from a Pierce College (Tacoma WA) student who had found the CODOH Website on the Internet. He wanted to help. I submitted an ad announcing that 46 Unanswered Questions About the World War II Gas Chambers are available free on the Internet to the Pierce College Pioneer. The…

Everything Is Going Our Way Now

Everything is going our way now. The great censorship confrontation on the Internet (it began with pornography and quickly moved against Ernst Zuendel’s Web-site and revisionism) and the coalescing of free-press organizations to fight against President Clinton’s “Communications Decency Act” (which is considerably more complicated and dangerous than is yet understood by the public) will…

The Codoh World-Wide-Web Site

But who’s counting? Me. On Saturday morning, 28 October, I checked to see if we had the “counter” on my Homepage. Three individuals had logged onto the site up to that hour. I was there at the very beginning. The next morning the count had gone to 12. Some of the hits (visits) were probably…

Revisionist Materials

The following advertisement of material CODOH used to distribute is no longer valid, since CODOH does not currently possess any of these materials. We post it here only because it was printed in this issue of Smith's Report. Editor's remark. Smith's Report back issues. Numbers 1 -27. SR began as a “letter” to a few…

Break His Bones

I mentioned in SR27 that a major U.S. periodical wanted to take a look at an excerpt from the manuscript. It was The New Yorker. I have to say that once again I felt an enthusiastic optimism about the possibility of being published in an important periodical. There are some of us who can never…

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