

South African Member of Parliament Under Fire for Support of Revisionism

Because he expressed public support for the revisionist cause of truth in history in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review, a South African lawmaker has come under attack from Zionist-Jewish organizations. South African newspapers have reported on a letter in the November 1992 IHR Newsletter, by Louis F. Stofberg, a senior Conservative party…

The “Great Emancipator” and the Issue of Race

Robert Morgan is the pen name of a writer who holds a bachelor degree in general studies from Indiana University-Purdue University (Indianapolis), as well as graduate certificates in Public Management (Indiana University, South Bend) and Labor Union Studies (I.U.Purdue, Indianapolis). He is currently working toward a Master of Public Affairs degree (I.U., South Bend). He…

The Holocaust Issue: Three Christian Views

Christian Responsibility to Truth Herman Otten Herman Otten is a Lutheran pastor and editor-publisher of the weekly Christian News of New Haven, Missouri. This commentary is excerpted from his address at the Ninth IHR Conference. The complete text is published in the Fall 1989 Journal. While most revisionists appear to be opposed to the construction…

Who reads the Journal?

United States SenateWashington, DC 20510 April 21, 1993 Dear Dr. John, Thank you very much for having taken the time to write and to send the excerpt from [the March–April 1993 Journal of Robert John’s review of Issah Nakleh’s Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem. I am glad to have it, and I anticipate that it…

Vindication for Demjanjuk

On April 18, 1988, an Israeli court solemnly declared “without hesitation” that a simple Ukrainian-born auto worker, John Demjanjuk, was “the sadistic motorman who had operated the gas chambers at the Nazi death camp in Treblinka.” When the verdict was announced, hundreds in the Jerusalem courtroom jumped to their feet and launched into gleeful shouts…

A Veteran’s Plea for Peace

Even many people who consider themselves well-informed about the history of the Third Reich and the Second World War are ignorant of the numerous offers of peace made by Hitler and his government in the years before the outbreak of war, particularly during the 1934-1937 period. His first speech on foreign policy after taking office…

An Old/New Perspective on the Nuremberg Process

The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials, by Telford Taylor. Alfred A. Knopf and Sons, New York, 1992. Hardcover. 703 pages. Photographs. Bibliography. Notes. Index. $35.00. ISBN: 0-394-58355-8. Andrew Gray, a writer and translator, is a former office director in the US Department of Commerce. He lives in Georgetown, Washington, DC. “All in all, the members…


A Bit Worried The new Holocaust Museum in Washington is scarcely worth a serious protest. It is its own best confutation. People know this, but put up with such nonsense in the same way we put up with bad weather. The real fight is the serious intellectual one. At issue is the integrity of the…

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