

From the Editor

We begin this issue with another IHR “scoop.” Published here for the first time in the United States are revealing reconnaissance aerial photographs of the site of the Treblinka “death camp.” These wartime reconnaissance photos – which lay forgotten for more than forty years on the dusty shelves of the National Archives in Washington, DC…

Hideki Tojo’s Prison Diary

Published here for the first time in English is the postwar prison “diary” of Japanese General and Premier Hideki Tojo. After an outstanding army career and service as War Minister, Tojo served as Prime Minister from October 1941 to July 1944 – perhaps the most critical period in his country's history. A few weeks after…

Hoover-Era American Plan for War against Britain and Canada Uncovered

American military officials drew up a secret plan in 1930 for war against Britain in which Canada would be the main battleground. “Joint Plan Red,” as it was known, envisaged the elimination of Britain as a trading rival. Professor Floyd Rudmin of Queens University in Ontario, Canada, charges that the plan was a blueprint for…

Jewish Writer Grapples With Ethical Dilemma of the Holocaust and Zionism

Beyond Innocence and Redemption: Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power, by Marc H. Ellis. New York: Harper & Row (Harper Collins), 1990. Softcover. 205 pages. Bibliography. Endnotes. Index. $13.00. ISBN: 0 06 062215 6. Many years before the recent, dramatic collapse of the Soviet Union, the Communist ideology on which it was based had already…


“PAPPY” BOYINGTON AND THE “FLYING TIGERS” EPISODE To the Editor: With regard to your item in the Spring Journal, “Roosevelt's Secret Pre-War Plan to Bomb Japan,” it is worth mentioning the experiences related by Gregory “Pappy” Boyington in his memoir, Baa, Baa Black Sheep. The Marine fighter pilot, who was a notorious womanizer and drinker,…

Pearl Harbor Attack No Surprise

Historians are still arguing over whether President Franklin Roosevelt knew in advance that Japanese forces were about to launch a devastating attack against the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. Mr. Roger A. Stolley, a resident of Salem, Oregon, has something important to add to this discussion. In the following…

Reviews of IHR Books Show Greater Acceptance of Revisionism

Books published by the Institute for Historical Review are gaining increasing acceptance, as indicated by reviews that have appeared in reputable journals and newspapers during the last several years. These respectful and often laudatory reviews show that the IHR is increasingly regarded as a legitimate publisher of serious works of history. Some highlights: How I…

From the Editor

This issue of The Journal of Historical Review, the forty-fourth, completes Volume Eleven. Its two feature articles, Dr. Andreas Wesserle's passionate critique of George Bush's “New World Disorder” and Dr. Charles Lutton's survey of half-a-century's study (and evasion) of the facts beyond the December 7, 1941 “Day of Infamy,” signal an advance and a return,…

Holocaust Education: Cui Bono?

The following letter was written to the editor of the Asbury Park Press on August 20, 1991. As an answer to the question posed in the above title, it would be difficult to better. A 14-line single-column item inserted inconspicuously into an inside page of your July 7, 1991 issue revealed to attentive readers that…

In-Depth Report of “Holocaust Trial” Provides Valuable Overview

The Holocaust on Trial: The Case of Ernst Zündel, by Robert Lenski. Decatur, Ala.: The Reporter Press, 1990. Paperback. 544 pages. Photographs. Index. ISBN: 0-9623220-0-8. (Available from the IHR for $ 29.00, plus $ 2.00 postage and handling. [check with for current availability and price; ed.]) Anyone with an interest in twentieth century history…

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