

Hitler’s Declaration of War against the United States

It has often been said that Hitler's greatest mistakes were his decisions to go to war against the Soviet Union and the United States. Whatever the truth may be, it's worth noting his own detailed justifications for these grave decisions. On Thursday afternoon, 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,…

Interview with Michel De Boüard on the Thesis of Nantes

This interview, which originally appeared in the French newspaper, Ouest-France (August I-2, 1986) has been translated from the French journal Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaire [Review of Modern and Contemporary History], tome xxxiv, January-March 1987. The original was written by Jacques Lebailly. When a member of the [French] Institute, with a brilliant career as a…

New Documents Raise New Doubts as to Simon Wiesenthal’s War Years

The Institute for Historical Review has recently received copies of a transcript of a sworn interrogation of Simon Wiesenthal, which was conducted in 1948. The copies, certified as “true and correct,” were obtained from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. To our knowledge this transcript has never been published or cited, in whole or in…

The End of a Myth

Despite the May 11 conviction of Revisionist activist and publisher Ernst Zündel in Toronto for “knowingly and injuriously spreading a false report,” the second trial of Ernst Zündel was a Pyrrhic victory for Holocaust Exterrninationists. As in Zündel’s 1985 trial, Revisionist scholars and researchers presented a mass of new evidence against the Holocaust legend, evidence…

The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews

1. Birth and Development of Revisionism National Socialist policy in the matter of Jewish emigration, pursued officially until the beginning of February 1942, thus posed a question that really was “throbbing,” to use again the adjective employed by Poliakov. If it was true that exterminating the Jews “conformed to the fundamental objective of National Socialism”[1];…

The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century

The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century, by Phillip Knightley. New York: Penguin Books edition, 1988; xii, 436 pp., photographs and index, $7.95, ISBN 0-14-010655-3. People over-impressed by spies and espionage are fond of quoting the observation attributed to Napoleon that a spy “in the right place” is worth 20,000 soldiers…

The Strange Life of Ilya Ehrenburg

Ilya Ehrenburg, the leading Soviet propagandist of the Second World War, was a contradictory figure. A recent article in the weekly Canadian Jewish News sheds new light on the life of this “man of a thousand masks.”[1] Ehrenburg was born in 1891 in Kiev to a non-religious Jewish family. In 1908 he fled Tsarist Russia…

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