

Azriel Eisenberg Presents The Greatest Sob Story Ever Told (with a Cast of Millions)

The Lost Generation: Children in the Holocaust, by Azriel Eisenberg, The Pilgrim Press, 380 pp, $17.95, ISBN 0-8298-0498-6. Azriel Eisenberg strikes again! In The Journal of Historical Review, Spring 1983, I reviewed Eisenberg's Witness to the Holocaust. Now Eisenberg, Holocaustomaniac par excellence, has produced a companion volume to that egregious opus. So here I am,…

Hitler, the Unemployed and Autarky

ThirdReich/EconomyIn German as “Das Gespenst der Arbeitslosigkeit: Wie es vor 50 Jahren verjagt wurde,” in “Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart,” Vol. 30. No. 3 (1982); The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 5, no. 1 (spring 1984), pp. 77-83Hitler, the Unemployed and AutarkySome Observations After 50 YearsRudolf JordanContrib: Ronald Klett, translation, comments In Germany and throughout…

Reflections on German and American Foreign Policy, 1933-1945

During my career as a German diplomat, I had three superiors. The first was Alfred Rosenberg, head of the Foreign Political Office of the National Socialist Party. The next was Foreign Minister Freiherr Konstatin von Neurath, an “old school” conservative. The last was Joachim von Ribbentrop. After the war these men were condemned as criminals…

The ‘Holocaust’ and the Failure of Allied and Jewish Responses

Over the past several years, there has emerged with increasing frequency the charge that because it failed to bomb the Germans’ concentration camps, the United States bears a significant share of the blame for the Holocaust. There are even those who insist that American officials were well aware of Hitler’s crimes during World War Two,…

Behind the Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild. The Meaning for Us

Acknowledgements To Benjamin H. Freedman, who committed himself to finding and telling the facts about Zionism and Communism. and encouraged others to do the some. The son of one of the founders of the American Jewish Committee, which for many years was anti-Zionist, Ben Freedman founded the League for Peace with Justice in Palestine in…

In Memoriam: Ranjan Borra

Historian, scholar, and journalist Ranjan Borra passed away on 13 February 1984 in Washington D.C. following a heart attack. He was 62. Borra was born in Howrab, near Calcutta, in the Bengal province of India. He worked for All-India radio before moving to the United States in the 1950s. He was employed in Washington as…

Revisionism On Trial: Developments in France, 1979-1983

To Ditlieb Felderer For a period of four years my publisher, Pierre Guillaume, his friends, and I faced considerable difficulties because of our common opinion about the myth of the gas chambers and the genocide of the Jews. Among those difficulties was first and foremost judicial repression. That repression has not yet ended. During those…

The Might That Was Assyria

The Might That Was Assyria by H.W.F. Saggs. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, with maps, photographs, index, xii + 340 pp. 1984, ISBN 0-283-98961 (hardcover), 0-283-98962 (paperback), (available in the United States through the History Book Club). For approximately two-and-a-half centuries, the Assyrian empire exerted tremendous influence upon developments in what biblical accounts called the “land…

Beyond Year Zero

Author’s Note: In 1955 I was contacted and asked whether I would be interested in collaborating with Francis Neilson in a revision and expansion of his book The Makers of War, first published in 1950 and then out of print. The opportunity to work with so eminent a revisionist as Mr. Neilson, author of such…

Jesse Owens: Myth and Reality

Jesse Owens, the Black track and field star who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, died in 1980 at the age of 66. As so often during his lifetime, even this occasion was used by the major television networks and print media to spread slanderous falsehoods which have acquired wide acceptance…

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