

Dr. Robert Harvey Countess

Dr. Robert H. Countess, 67, of Toney, son of the late Parks and Kathleen Countess, died Friday, March 18, 2005, at his home. He is survived by his wife Elda, children Timothy, Stephen, Keith, Sharon, Laura, and Becky, 13 grandchildren, 2 great grand-children, sister Nancy of Germantown, Tennessee, and brother Billy of Jay, Florida. Known…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8

On April 6, 1958, an arrest warrant was issued against Klaus Dylewski for his alleged involvment in the selection of inmates for gassings at Auschwitz (p. 988).[1] During his subsequent interrogation, Dylewski stated that, during his wartime presence at Auschwitz, he was responsible for issues dealing with escapes. According to him, escapes and attempts at…

Hitler Spoils Stalin’s Surprise

Constantine Pleshakov. Stalin’s Folly: The Tragic First Ten Days of World War II on the Eastern Front. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston and New York, 2005, 312 pp. As the title of Constantine Pleshakov’s book implies, the author, a Russian historian,[1] holds Stalin personally responsible for the debacle that befell the Red Army at the outbreak…

It’s All Sh.., Isn’t It?

Helmut Schelsky wrote in the 1970s:[1] “The new devil is especially the incomprehensible language destroyer, which dominates by making the people ‘speechless.’ To this phenomenon of group forming and group separating by words belong other linguistic branches of the modern political discourse, like the ‘fecal language,’ as [Kurt] Scheuch called the use of vulgar sexual,…

Lev Mekhlis: Stalin’s Grand Inquisitor

Yuri Rubtsov, Alter Ego Stalina (Based on declassified archival documents), Svonnitsa-MG, Moscow, 1999, 302 pp. Yuri Rubtsov, Iz-za spiny vozhdya: poli ticheskaya i voyennaya deyatel’nost L. Z. Mekhlisa (Behind the Leader’s Back; The Political and Military Activities of L. Z. Mekhlis), Kompaniya Ritm, Moscow, 2003, 253 pp. Until the appearance of two recent Russian political…

Children Who Survived Auschwitz

In June 1998, the “Third International Meeting on Audiovisual Testimonies of Survivors of Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camps” was held in Brussels. The Israeli researcher Anita Tarsi, who works primarily on the Fortunoff archives, presented a paper on the fate of a group of children born between 1927 and 1938 [thus 6 to 17 years…

Contribution to the History of the Family Camp at Birkenau

1. Installation of Familienlager BIIb and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings. On September 6, 1943, two transports of 2,479 and 2,528 Jews, altogether 5,007 persons, left the Theresienstadt ghetto for Auschwitz.[1] At Birkenau, on September 8, 5,006 persons arrived:[2] 2,293 men and boys, registered under ID numbers 146,694 – 148,986, and 2,713 women and girls who…

On Holocaust Revisionism

The traditional view of the fate of European Jewry during World War II, commonly known as the Holocaust, contains the following propositions: there was a Nazi plan to exterminate all the Jews; homicidal gas chambers were used to implement this plan; and approximately 6,000,000 were murdered. Holocaust revisionists do not deny that atrocities were committed…

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