

Ancient Mummies in Europe

The first mummies to be discovered in Britain have been found in the Outer Hebrides. Researchers believe islanders on South Uist started mummifying their dead at the same time as the ancient Egyptians. Film-makers from BBC’s “Meet The Ancestors” program followed archaeologists from the University of Sheffield working at Cladh Hallan on South Uist. The…

Exaggerated, One-Sided Victim Numbers Fuel Hatred

The International Strategic Studies Association Balkan & Eastern Mediterranean Policy Council On the eve of the dedication of a monument to Muslims killed at Srebrenica (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in 1995, a group which includes a former UN official, intelligence experts, and journalists, released a statement challenging the official alleged casualty number of 7,000 victims as “vastly inflated…

John Sack in Memoriam

This past April 13th, while I was traveling in Southern California, I received a phone call from my wife informing me that a friend of John Sack had called to inform us that John had passed away March 27th. This friend was going through John’s address book and calling those listed. Of course I was…

Just Call Me Meyer – A Farewell to “Obviousness”

In The Revisionist no. 1/2003, a series of articles on a new controversy over the death toll of the Auschwitz concentration camp was published under the title “Auschwitz: The Dwindling Death Toll” (pp. 18-37). This new controversy had been triggered by Fritjof Meyer, a leading journalist for Germany's largest news magazine Der Spiegel. In the…

Revisionism as a Political Factor in Germany

tarassei tonz anqrwponz on ta pragmata alla ta peri twn praymatwv dogmata. It is not facts that confuse people, But their interpretation. (Epiktet, Ench., Chapter 5) Revisionists have produced considerable scientific achievements during the last decades; however, what is still missing is a general overview of these opinions and the implications they hold for the…

The Marshall Plan Hoax

Marshall Plan Benefits for West Germany Within the framework of the so-called Marshall Plan, a credit(!) of approximately 1.4 billion US Dollars (6.4 billion DM) was given to West Germany for the years 1949 to 1952. Under the terms of the London Debt Agreement of February 1953, this credit(!) was to be repaid by 1962…

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