

Exaggerated, One-Sided Victim Numbers Fuel Hatred

The International Strategic Studies Association Balkan & Eastern Mediterranean Policy Council On the eve of the dedication of a monument to Muslims killed at Srebrenica (Bosnia-Herzegovina) in 1995, a group which includes a former UN official, intelligence experts, and journalists, released a statement challenging the official alleged casualty number of 7,000 victims as “vastly inflated…

Exactitude Symphony

Ernst Zündel’s contribution was written on December 5, 2003, from the Rexdale, Ontario, GULag in the People’s Republic of Canada, that is, from his solitary confinement cell where he is being held as a political prisoner of conscience by the Crown authorities. His location is the Toronto-West Detention Center, 111 Disco Road Box 4950, Rexdale,…

Revisionism in Cartoons

In all the years that I worked together with Robert Faurisson on various publication projects, starting with my first meeting with him in Vichy in late fall 1991 until this very day, I have always experienced Robert's gentle and sometimes cynical humor. He frequently sent me cartoons drawn by some of his friends and supporters,…

Robert Faurisson

Introduction When I was asked to contribute towards the Robert Faurisson Festschrift, I recalled my own student days during the 1970s in Germany where I had regularly come across such publications. The German word Schrift means writing or a piece of correspondence. The word Fest has become part of the English language, and few English…

The Holocaust before It Happened

Don Heddesheimer, The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims during and after World War One, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, pb., 140 pp., $9.95. George Santayana was famous for his aphorism “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Perhaps those who believe in the myth of the ‘six…


The following text was written by Theodore O’Keefe, long-time coworker of the Institute for Historical Review and former editor of The Journal of Historical Review, on occasion of Robert Faurisson’s 75th birthday: “Robert Faurisson taught revisionists the hardness of words. Molded by the exacting discipline that reading and writing the classical languages demands and confers,…

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