

Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, Controversial Expert on Human Memory

Professor Elizabeth Loftus holds the title of distinguished professor of psychology, social behavior, criminology, law and society at U.C. Irvine and has recently been nationally recognized for her findings in a study that proves memories could not only be distorted, but also completely reconstructed. Professor Loftus is considered an expert in the medium of memory…

False Memories in Disneyland

Prof. Elizabeth Loftus is permanently under pressure to justify her thesis that human memory can easily be manipulated to 'recall' events that actually did not take place. In June 2001, she published more recent findings, which indicate that human memory is even less reliable than she had already found in earlier studies. To make her…

Letter to the Editor

Working V1 Rocket Engine of Survival Research Laboratories (SRL), San Francisco Re.: G. Rudolf, “The Moon Landing: Fact or Fiction,” TR, 1(1) (2003), pp. 75-81. Dear Editor: In The Revisionist #1 you have an article which includes a tidbit about V1 rockets: “Mockup of a German WWII V1 Rocket at the Space and Rocket Museum…

Scientists at Work

Since end 1994, reports were published in the media that Steven Spielberg has launched a project to archive the testimony of “Holocaust survivors” (cf. Newsweek, Nov. 21, 1994 (right); Stuttgarter Zeitung, Dec. 28, 1994; New York Times, Jan. 7, 1996; Geschichte mit Pfiff, 11/1996, p. 37; Welt am Sonntag, Nov. 17, 1996). Apart from Spielberg,…

My Critique of Dr. Loftus’ Behavior

On February 20, 2003, I received an email request from a University of California at Irvine student newspaper reporter, Caroline Song ([email protected]), in which she asked me to comment on Professor Elizabeth Loftus and the John Demjanjuk Trial that took place in Israel during 1987. Loftus is “Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Social Behavior, Criminology,…

My Memories of Jean-Claude Pressac

In spring of 1987, the first issue of the journal Annales d'Histoire Révisionniste appeared in France, containing, i.a., a long article authored by me, "Le mythe de l'extermination des Juifs. Introduction historico-bibliographique à l'historiographie révisionniste".[1] Other articles contributed by me appeared in the issues no. 3 and 5.[2] The latter issue also carried a French…

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