

Catching Up

For the past several years, CODOH and Castle Hill Publishers have been intertwined both financially and with their web presence. Back in the summer of 2013, Castle Hill, back then still hosted with an online store at www.vho.org, lost its ability to accept credit-card payments in the UK, mainly due to the interference of New…

Book Reviews Galore

For the fourth issue of last year’s Inconvenient History, a Greek revisionist submitted four papers, all of them reviews of various books, although one was a mere brief scrutiny of false claimed made by one author (Lawrence Rees). It was the very first time that we heard or rather read anything from Panagiotis Heliotis, a…

Moving with Movies

A picture tells more than a thousand words, and moving pictures tell more than a million words, one might add. The power of movies – both of the fiction and non-fiction genre – to convince the gullible as well as many skeptical minds can hardly be underestimated. This is particularly true in our times of reduced…

Will Angela Merkel Endorse Elie Wiesel’s Lies?

On Monday, April 24, 2017, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and former member of the Communist “Free German Youth” in the German Democratic Republic, will receive the Elie Wiesel Award from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.[1] Elie Wiesel, who died last year, was the “prominent false witness”[2] who said he…

“Magda Goebbels”… in the Yad Vashem Database

Abstract This paper demonstrates with an example that the number of Holocaust victims claimed to be in the victims’ database of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem cannot be trusted, because anyone can place any number of false entries into that database! In this case, the fictitious person with data related to famous National-Socialist…

Total Revisionist Collapse – and Resurrection

As reported in last issue’s editorial, the situation at CODOH and Castle Hill had become critical, after one of CODOH’s board members, Michael Santomauro, until mid-December 2023 manager of Castle Hill, had seized all of Castle Hill’s company assets, and had taken exclusive control of domain-name and hosting accounts, using this as “leverage” (his word)…

Mayhem at Castle Hill and CODOH

Dramatic events are unfolding with Castle Hill and CODOH as I write this. Without going into too many details, I may pick up where I left off with my last editorial about Castle Hill’s payment processor bailing out. In the meantime, trying to implement Plan B also failed. When our Plan B, CODOH’s current payment…

Critique of the Matt Cockerill vs. Thomas Dalton Debate, Part 5

Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton had a debate on the Holocaust which can be found at https://codoh.com/library/document/history-speaks-debates-thomas-dalton/. This article documents that there was no written order from Hitler to exterminate the Jews, and why other speeches and writings from German leaders do not indicate a German policy of genocide against Jews.

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