

Amazon Bans Encyclopedia — Again!

Mid-August of 2024, Amazon censored and banned ARMREG’s Holocaust Encyclopedia: Uncensored and Unconstrained from its sales websites. While Amazon routinely deletes titles without warning or explanation, the removal of books on sensitive topics is particularly alarming. This encyclopedia’s removal underscores a broader and disquieting trend of limiting discourse on subjects that influential pressure groups want…

Who Put the Gas into the Chambers?

The Question Most Holocaust skeptics agree that the story about homicidal gas chambers used during the Third Reich to mass murder Jews is bogus. What they don’t agree on is how that bogus history ended up in our history text books, documentaries and museums. If the story doesn’t stand up to thorough scrutiny, then why…

Tucker Carlson, Darryl Cooper, and Holocaust Denial

The Media Firestorm Over Holocaust Denial For years, Tucker Carlson had been the highest-rated host on television, courageously covering the important, controversial topics that few others dared to touch. After his forced departure from FoxNews in April 2023, he soon launched an even bolder interview show on Elon Musk’s Twitter platform, now completely free of…

Tucker Carlson’s Non-Denial Denialism of the Holocaust

Well, the Jewish Lobby is at it again. In the latest kerfuffle over “Holocaust denial,” Jews and their sycophants are in an uproar over a podcast interview aired on September 2 in which Tucker Carlson spoke at length with a “popular historian” named Darryl Cooper. The two-hour episode is titled “The True History of the…

Open-Air Pyre Cremations Revisited

Introduction Almost one third of all six-million Holocaust victims claimed by the orthodox narrative are said to have been killed in just three camps: Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. All these victims are said to have been burned outdoors on pyres, leaving behind only ashes. Another set of slightly different open-air pyre cremations is said to…

Experimental Study on the Fuel Requirements for the Thermal Degradation of Bodies by Means of Open-Pyre Cremation

Abstract The results of a systematic study of open-pyre cremation of bodies is reported here with the aim of providing quantitative information on the mechanisms controlling the cremation process, and the relationship between the characteristics of a fire and the level of consumption of a body. Systematically constructed timber pyres and recently euthanized pig carcasses…

Nuking Japan

This broadcast aired on Monday, August 12, 2024, between 8 and 9PM Eastern Time, WBCQ Radio in Monticello, Maine, 7490kHz. Below you can find a slightly edited transcript of this radio show. Download an mp3 file of this show here (right-click, and pick “Save Link As…” from context menu). All broadcasts and podcasts by Hadding…

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