

In Brief

Repressed Memory Syndrome Un-Repressed Australia Grabs the Spamming Nettle New Zealand’s Israeli Spy Scandal Continues Napoleon’s Cause of Death Revised – the Cure Did it! Chess Champ Bobby Fischer Seeks Asylum in Japan Media Liars: Jewish Confessions Israel’s Wall: World Court Judgment and UN Resolution Holocaust Denial Overseas Will be a Crime in Israel Anti-Semitism…

In Brief

Memories of Auschwitz as Excuse not to Shower Germans Demand War Reparations IBM asks court to block US$12 billion Holocaust suit Jewish Students Criticized at Auschwitz Treblinka, Chelmno, Sobibor to Get Museums Hunt for Swedish ‘War Criminals’ off Limits Citizenship of Alleged NS Camp Guard Revoked Germany Breaks Hitler Taboo with “The Downfall” Croatians Weep…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Chicken David You people are amazing. You actually deny the Holocaust’s existence, the existence of the Death Camps, the existence of the suffering and untold agonies. To deny such truths is to deny what those people went through and to make the fight against Nazism and fascism for naught. You do a disservice…

Red Army Wartime Leadership

Vladimir Beshanov, Tankovyy pogrom 1941 goda (Tank Debacle of 1941); Series: Military History Library, ACT Publisher, Moscow, 2000, 528 pp Vladimir Beshanov. God 1942 – “Uchebnyy” (1942 Year of Learning), Series: Military History Library, Harvest Publisher, 2002, 624 pp Vladimir Beshanov. Desyat’ stalinskikh udarov (Ten Stalinist Blows), Series: Military History Library, Harvest Publisher, 2004, 768…

Revisionism on the Advance in Estonia

0. Introduction During the conference on “Globalism” held at Moscow in January 2002, where I reported about the most recent finding of revisionism on the alleged Treblinka extermination camp, I got to know two young Estonians, who to my pleasant surprise had brought with them an Estonian edition of my first revisionist work Der Holocaust…

Was General de Gaulle a “Revisionist”?

Already by 1984 Professor Robert Faurisson had noticed that General De Gaulle never pronounced the words “gas chambers” for the simple reason that he did not believe in them[1]; nevertheless it wasn’t until the occasion of the Papon trial that people finally start publicly to question De Gaulle’s attitude toward the extermination of the Jews…

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