

CODOH informs media of revisionist subtext in new anti-German polemic

The latest Holocaust fad of the month is Harvard Professor Daniel J. Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. The book was published last month by Alfred A. Knopf (at about the same time David Irving's Goebbels was canceled by St. Martin's) to a torrent of media hosannas unmatched since the apotheosis…

Revisionism’s Inroads Shock the Lobby

A syndicated newspaper advice columnist counsels a college couple quarreling over whether CODOlfs $50,000 Reward Offer should have run in the student newspaper they edit and write for. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith confers a new award on college journalists for opposing “Holocaust denial” on campus and on the Internet. A top UN human…

CODOH Prepares to Hang High the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Working in tandem with independent American revisionist scholar Samuel Crowell, the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust has fired the first gun in a campaign to expose fake evidence of a homicidal Nazi gas chamber on prominent display at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D C. Samuel Crowell made the discovery that…

Smith Flies to Washington D.C. to Tour the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Just as Auschwitz in Poland is the centerpiece of the Holocaust cult in Europe, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. has instantly become the focal point of the cult in North America. No one doubted that it would. The Washington Museum, with its hugely successful opening, has become the organizing instrument around…

CODOH Raises New Questions about the Soviet Past of Simon Wiesenthal

Researchers associated with the Committee for Open Debate of the Holocaust have gathered evidence which raises serious questions as to Simon Wiesenthal’s past associations with the Soviet Union. Most of this evidence appears to stem from Simon Wiesenthal himself, and it points to Wiesenthal’s voluntary cooperation with Soviet authorities on more than one occasion and…

CODOH Sparks Campus Revisionism

At Washington State University on April 13, British historian David Irving presented the revisionist case to over four hundred university students and professors, thanks chiefly to the efforts of a Washington State student who works with the Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust—and to CODOH for advancing the money to secure the auditorium. At…

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