

On Third Reich Flying Saucers, German Physics, and the Perpetuum Mobile

Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, Century/Random House, London 2001, 281 pp. hardcover, £17.99 An Introduction into the Topic For certain book reviews one must give an explanation and justification in order not to be misunderstood or put in a false light. The review of the book in question here is one of them,…

The Elephant(s) in the Room

Most of us understand that it is unwise to draw a connection between the Israeli/Palestinian tragedy, 9/11, Afghanistan, and the U.S. administration's war against Iraq. The common understanding is that to suggest such a connection publicly, and in many contexts privately, is to risk being condemned as an anti-Semite. This fear is perfectly well founded….

Discovering Absurdistan

What kind of a country is it where a considerable part of the people think, singing their national anthem could be forbidden? What country is it where folksingers might be put in jail for singing peaceful songs? What kind of a country is it where a mother of five gets a prison term for having…

On The Brink of World War Three

The reason for most wars is massive economic tensions between competing nations or a huge economic crisis of a single nation that tries to solve it with violence to the outside. After all, war has to be financed, and without the support of big business and the big banks, no major war could ever be…

Climatology—Science or Ideology?

Most readers will probably not realize that there is a German award for ideology-free scientific research, known as the Woitschach Prize for Research. Certain media have mentioned that, in 1999, this prize was awarded to Dr. Wolfgang Thüne, a man who has a Masters degree in meteorology, for his book Der Treibhaus-Schwindel (The Greenhouse Hoax).[1]…

Critical Remarks concerning Greenhouse-Revisionism

Science without Ideology? What some people polemically call the dictatorship of the ecologists, and the ideology that goes with it, seem to be particularly active in Germany. It is thus not surprising that quite a few personalities of public life are turning against the putrid exaggerations of this philosophy. Any kind of political fanaticism calls…

The Israeli Masada Myth Exposed

Nachman Ben-Yehuda, The Masada Myth. Collective Memory and Mythmaking in Israel, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1995, 401 pp., paperback, $24.95 Hebrew University Professor Nachman Ben-Yehuda of the Sociology Department dropped a cultural-historiographical bombshell on the Jewish State of Israel when he wrote (p. 3): “How does one develop a sociological interpretation for an important…

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