

Misha: Surviving with Wolves – Or Lying with Wolves?

Misha (deWael) Defonseca was unquestionably a victim, if a “collateral” victim, of the Germans who were occupying her country of Belgium when she was four years old. They executed both of her parents after duly trying them as resistance fighters and finding them guilty. That all this, including their execution, was perfectly legal under the…

News and Notes

*** Zan Overall and I decided to run a classified ad in the Daily Bruin at UCLA. UCLA is where Zan holds his weekly Truth Tuesdays. We might be able to get the ad in because Zan would take it in to the office personally. Zan’s doing other stuff, I’m doing other stuff, and when…

Palestinian Professor’s Trip to Auschwitz Sparks Needed Debate

When Mohammed Dajani Daoudi, a Palestinian professor at Al-Quds University in occupied Jerusalem, organized a trip for his students to visit several former Nazi concentration camps, he sparked an important debate. Unfortunately, the debate has been one-sided focusing on Arab denial of the Holocaust while ignoring Israel's denial of its oppression of Palestinian rights. The…

Che Guevara in Saigon — 1968

When I saw the first light of day come in through the window I pushed the three paperback books I used for a pillow against the wall and rolled up the reed mat and stood it in the corner of the room. On the bed, Bryant turned onto his side snoring lightly. Bryant’s a Quaker,…

Confronting Human Nature at the USHMM

Sara Bloomfield, DirectorUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl. SWWashington, DC 20024-2126Main telephone: 202.488.0400TTY: 202.488.0406 12 March 2014 Ms. Bloomfield. On the Website of the USHMM there is a page titled Voices on Anti-Semitism (http://tinyurl.com/kukxuny). There I find a podcast where you make a number of interesting, morally valuable observations. On the question of…

Doing What Matters at the USHMM

Sara Bloomfield, DirectorUnited States HolocaustMemorial Museum100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SWWashington, DC 20024-2126Main telephone: 202.488.0400TTY: 202.488.0406 26 March 2014 Ms. Bloomfield: I have just read the article in The Jewish Daily Forward titled “Holocaust Museum Turns 20 as Sara Bloomfield Ends Controversies.” http://tinyurl.com/pubn57n Written by Nathan Guttman, the article was occasioned by the coming 2014 Days…

Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate

Jul. 26, 2010 | 9:48 AMhttp://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Outspoken Hollywood director says new film aims to put Adolf Hitler, who he has called an 'easy scapegoat' in the past, in his due historical context.http://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Times, adding…

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