No. 2

The Journal of Historical Review - cover

Volume Twelve · Number Two · Summer 1992

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal.


Treblinka is widely regarded as the second most important German wartime extermination center. Only Auschwitz-Birkenau is supposed to have claimed more lives. Treblinka became the focus of worldwide attention in 1987-1988 during the 14-month trial in Jerusalem of John (Ivan) Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian-born American factory worker. As Treblinka's “Ivan the Terrible,” Demjanjuk supposedly operated the…

War Atrocity Propaganda Exposed

A tearful account of Iraqi barbarism, which stunned millions of Americans and fueled popular enthusiasm for war against Saddam Hussein's regime, has now been definitively exposed as a propaganda hoax. In testimony before a US congressional committee, October 10, 1990, a young Kuwaiti woman, publicly identified only as “Nayirah,” tearfully claimed to have personally seen…

From the Editor

We begin this issue with another IHR “scoop.” Published here for the first time in the United States are revealing reconnaissance aerial photographs of the site of the Treblinka “death camp.” These wartime reconnaissance photos – which lay forgotten for more than forty years on the dusty shelves of the National Archives in Washington, DC…


“PAPPY” BOYINGTON AND THE “FLYING TIGERS” EPISODE To the Editor: With regard to your item in the Spring Journal, “Roosevelt's Secret Pre-War Plan to Bomb Japan,” it is worth mentioning the experiences related by Gregory “Pappy” Boyington in his memoir, Baa, Baa Black Sheep. The Marine fighter pilot, who was a notorious womanizer and drinker,…

Reviews of IHR Books Show Greater Acceptance of Revisionism

Books published by the Institute for Historical Review are gaining increasing acceptance, as indicated by reviews that have appeared in reputable journals and newspapers during the last several years. These respectful and often laudatory reviews show that the IHR is increasingly regarded as a legitimate publisher of serious works of history. Some highlights: How I…

Revisionism in Croatia: Croatia’s President Rejects “Six Million” Story

While Holocaust Revisionism is suppressed in some countries, in Croatia it has official support from the highest level. Croatian President Franjo Tudjman publicly rejects the “Six Million” Holocaust story. In a 500-page book entitled Bespuca – Povjesne Zbiljnosti (“Wastelands – Historical Truth”), which was published in 1988, and republished in 1989 and again in 1990,…

The Challenge of “Multiculturalism” in How Americans View the Past and the Future

Of all the ways in which a nation defines itself, few are more important than what it teaches its children about itself. In the history classes of its public schools, a nation retells its own story and instills a national identity in the minds of young citizens. In today's America, where competing racial, cultural and…

The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust

A common response to expressions of skepticism about the Holocaust story is to say something like “What about Nuremberg? What about the trials and all the evidence?!” This reaction is understandable because the many postwar “war crimes” trials have given explicit, authoritative judicial legitimacy to the Holocaust extermination story. By far the most important of…

Jewish Writer Grapples With Ethical Dilemma of the Holocaust and Zionism

Beyond Innocence and Redemption: Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power, by Marc H. Ellis. New York: Harper & Row (Harper Collins), 1990. Softcover. 205 pages. Bibliography. Endnotes. Index. $13.00. ISBN: 0 06 062215 6. Many years before the recent, dramatic collapse of the Soviet Union, the Communist ideology on which it was based had already…

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