On the Holocaust Controversy

Nos. 188 to 194 · www.Codoh.com · 2012

Revisionist News & Comments

All the issues of this year are listed as subcategories below.

The Negro Soldier

One piece of official US war propaganda is a wartime film (1945) entitled: The Negro Soldier. (http://tinyurl.com/9szf438) It was one of Frank Capra's “masterpieces.” Although Capra was not Jewish (which he regretted later in life as he explained as a reason for his not being much more successful in Hollywood), it seems that most of…

In Spite of the Repression, Revisionism Will Win

This past July 25, in Paris, a judge notified me of three criminal proceedings brought against me, essentially for having taken part in the international conference in Tehran on “the Holocaust.” I shall remind the reader that at that conference, held on December 11th and 12th, 2006, all participants without exception, whether believers or disputers…


While I was visiting the revisionist activist, researcher and publisher Vincent Reynouard in France, I used the opportunity to visit Utah and Omaha Beach, especially the German “Batterie de Crisbecq/Marcouf.” Even 5 days after the landing of the Americans in 1944, the battery was still operational, causing the Americans a lot of problems. One can…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Double Standards That Surround Questioning the “Holocaust”

Professor Deborah LipstadtEmory UniversityAtlanta, Georgia[email protected] October 16, 2012 Ms. Lipstadt: I have a legitimate reason to contact you. Since you are generally considered a renowned scholar of the Jewish Holocaust, I would very much like to hear your commentary on the following matter. After all, this information will pertain to my forthcoming critiques of your…

Keeping Memory Alive for the Holocaust-Obsessed

Haaretz reports that a new survey to mark International Holocaust Memorial Day found that only 6 percent of Israeli children cite history lessons as a significant source of learning about the Holocaust (http://tinyurl.com/9xgerqp). The annual survey, conducted by the Massuah Institute for Holocaust Studies, shows school education has a very limited influence on shaping young…

Zan Overall: “The Wise Old Man”

This is the moment to introduce Mr. Zan Overall, “The Wise Old Man.” Zan is working with me on the Cal State Northridge campus. Zan is a straightforward, out-front activist—never mind that he is 87 years old—who shows up at such venues as the Academy Awards ceremonies and the Stephen S. Wise Temple with placards…

Arsch, bitte!

Document 343-USSR, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: All Soviet Prisoners of War Are to Be Tattooed for Identification Purposes. IMT Vol. 39, pp. 488-491 Document 343, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: Photocopy of a mimeograph, certified by the Soviet prosecutors, in two parts. First page: 1 next to “Certified True Copy” at *; round stamp…

Inconvenient History, Fall 2012, Vol. 4, No. 3

The latest issue of Inconvenient History, A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry, is now available online. This issue is jammed with material that the court historians will be sure to find inconvenient to their crumbling version of contemporary history. We kick off with an examination of the fact that Ellis Island, typically thought of…

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