On the Holocaust Controversy

Nos. 202 to 211 · www.Codoh.com · 2014

Revisionist News & Comments

All the issues of this year are listed as subcategories below.

Che Guevara in Saigon — 1968

When I saw the first light of day come in through the window I pushed the three paperback books I used for a pillow against the wall and rolled up the reed mat and stood it in the corner of the room. On the bed, Bryant turned onto his side snoring lightly. Bryant’s a Quaker,…

Confronting Human Nature at the USHMM

Sara Bloomfield, DirectorUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl. SWWashington, DC 20024-2126Main telephone: 202.488.0400TTY: 202.488.0406 12 March 2014 Ms. Bloomfield. On the Website of the USHMM there is a page titled Voices on Anti-Semitism (http://tinyurl.com/kukxuny). There I find a podcast where you make a number of interesting, morally valuable observations. On the question of…

Doing What Matters at the USHMM

Sara Bloomfield, DirectorUnited States HolocaustMemorial Museum100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SWWashington, DC 20024-2126Main telephone: 202.488.0400TTY: 202.488.0406 26 March 2014 Ms. Bloomfield: I have just read the article in The Jewish Daily Forward titled “Holocaust Museum Turns 20 as Sara Bloomfield Ends Controversies.” http://tinyurl.com/pubn57n Written by Nathan Guttman, the article was occasioned by the coming 2014 Days…

Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate

Jul. 26, 2010 | 9:48 AMhttp://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Outspoken Hollywood director says new film aims to put Adolf Hitler, who he has called an 'easy scapegoat' in the past, in his due historical context.http://tinyurl.com/2cjy7ub Jewish control of the media is preventing an open discussion of the Holocaust, prominent Hollywood director Oliver Stone told the Sunday Times, adding…

Censored Language and the Mind-Prison of the Group

The bottom-line goal of all social constructs is convincing individuals they are, first and foremost, part of a group. If this strategy for control succeeds, then criminals and hustlers of every stripe can peddle their stench-ridden wares. To groups. The collective is, above all, a funnel into which propaganda can be poured, like swamp water….

First they came for the Holocaust Deniers and I said nothing—Because I am not a Holocaust Denier

April 20 2014 I was thinking, of course, that it's far from the first time that Yoorop (Dutch law) has decided to go against free speech. Although various thoughts have been declared illegal, Holocaust denial is the most salient both because it's the most common and because it's enforced for real. Now these laws are…

The Jewish News Reviews “The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax”

Ms. Lori Lowenthal Marcus US CorrespondentThe Jewish Press 4915 16th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11204NY Telephone Number718.330.1100Out-of-State Telephone 1.800.992.1600 02 April 2014 Dear Ms. Marcus, I am writing to comment on your review of The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax where you write, "it sounds pretty much like old lies repackaged in a new format." http://tinyurl.com/p8lf5a8 While…

The Right to Refute!

The Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey)http://bit.ly/1ryGJ3L Another article on the Internet urging a free exchange of ideas on “Genocide Denial” from a Turkish perspective. I claim no understanding of the facts of the matter, but I do understand the revulsion against how the word “denial” is used to discourage the examination of history by academics and…

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