Post WWII Revisionism

Events and developments in the post-WWII period following the end of hostilities. This section does not include 9/11 revisionism (re. the alleged Arab attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001), which has its own entry under “About Revisionism and Historiography in General” > “US History” > “Sept. 11”

How the Standard Holocaust Narrative Got off the Ground

Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911.. Hellishly flaming crematoria. Lines of doomed Jews trudging through the snow from cattle cars. Heartless selektions. Gas chambers!…

Telling Stories to Stay Alive: Rudolf Höss vs. Scheherazade

Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911. After his capture on March 11, 1946 by British occupation troops, Rudolf Höss stayed alive for 401 days…

Censorship by Classification

It has long been noted—and proven—that supporters of the Holocaust hoax occupy positions that they use to disseminate Holocaust disinformation in government, the media, art, literature, and … libraries. Yes, there, too. Their methods entail two prongs of attack: first, of course, to repeat (and repeat, and repeat) the dogma that has dominated at least…

Student’s Feeling of Sadness at German Stalingrad Soldier’s Grave Sets off Furor in Russia

IN LIGHT OF MY PREVIOUS POST: Advice-giving White men who think Germans should get off their knees and stand up to the world again should actually be asking the rest of the world to lay off the “Nazis” instead. And do they? It's they, too, who won't stop contributing to the unfair defilement of Germany's past….

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