Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

Never Stop Reminding

An alert to commemorate the Israeli/Jewish holy day of Yom Hashoah (one of several annual Holocaust Remembrance days) within the Democratic National Committee (then headed by disgraced Jewess Deborah Wasserman-Schultz) bounced around from Director of Jewish Engagement Aaron Weinberg to end up in the in box of the Catholic Kate Houghton, whose future with the…

Never Was So Much …

Speaking of British fighter pilots opposing German bombing campaigns over Britain during World War II, Winston Churchill famously declaimed, “Never was so much owed by so many to so few,” counterfactually alleging that the bombing would have been much worse had not the Royal Air Force deployed Spitfires and the like to harry the Luftwaffe’s…

Elie Wiesel Has Died at Age 87

Elie Wiesel was arguably the most well known and powerful figure among acknowledged Holocaust survivors. While alive, he exercised his “moral lobby” to keep the memories of the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors alive and to “educate” the new generations on the dangers of anti-Semitism and hatred to minorities, specially, of course, to Jews.  He coined…

The Joseph Hirt Story

Joseph Bernard Hirt worked as a school psychologist and psychology-teacher in Chester County, Pennsylvania until his retirement in 1993. It was not long after this that Hirt took up a second career – as a “Holocaust survivor.” In this role Hirt achieved significant regional notoriety. The early period of Hirt's career as a Holocaust survivor…

Georgetown University Gets $10 Million for Holocaust Study Center

According  to The Washington Post, Georgetown University, the private Catholic University in Washington, DC, has gotten a gift from a Jewish billionaire couple. Georgetown University  The gift to the Institution, from Miami philanthropists Norman and Irma Braman, is nothing less than $10 million mainly to do research on the Holocaust. Georgetown University, a Jesuit school,…

Hollywood, the Holocaust, and the Hatred of Truth

Revisionist doyen Robert Faurisson attended the thirtieth annual Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran and there on February 3 delivered a speech whose subject in English was “Against Hollywoodism—Revisionism.” In it, the pioneer revisionist provided a penetrating perspective from a distance of one ulterior aim of what is better known to Americans as “Hollywood morality,”…

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism

On February 2, 2012, Tehran hosted the second "Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part of the 2012 Fajr International Film Festival. President Ahmadinejad presented Robert Faurisson with an award at the conference and met with him in private.  The term Hollywoodism refers to the transformation, often mendacious, of reality by the spirit and practices…

New Dimensions in Deception

The Holocaust-advocacy camp is resorting to expensive, cutting-edge technology to flog the dead horse in novel ways. Flush, as always, with more tax-exempt money than it knows what to do with, the Shoah Foundation at the University of Southern California is partnering with what sounds like a purpose-built contractor, Conscience Display, to render in three…

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