Shoah Business

There is no business like Shoah business – except maybe waging war, which is even more profitable – for some. Papers listed in this section deal with what Norman G. Finkelstein called the “exploitation of Jewish suffering” – not just for financial ends. As a matter of fact, the “Auschwitz club” is a formidable weapon to wield against perceived political opponents anywhere in the world. Hence, it’s big business, indeed.

Deborah Lipstadt Blasts “Holocaust-abuse” by U.S., Israeli Politicians

This Holocaust revisionist has a confession to make, and it’s worse than anything to which Bradley Smith confessed in his best-selling (?) Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: I have become a grudging admirer of Deborah Lipstadt. Yes, the Deborah Lipstadt who in 2001 with the able assistance of her publisher Penguin-Putnam defended successfully against the…

Why—and How—I’m “Ideologically Motivated”

Holocaust denial is ideologically motivated. The deniers’ strategy is to sow seeds of doubt through deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of the historical evidence. Teachers should be careful not to unwittingly legitimise the deniers through engaging in a false debate. “How to Teach about the Holocaust in Schools”, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance The passage above has…

Sensational Data

These documents, devoid of any real meaning, are the focus of yet another Holocaust sensationalism. Austria's largest newspaper, the tabloid Kronen Zeitung, published this breathless report (in German) on 6,300 census forms recently found inside an interior wall in a mansion close by the Parliament building in Budapest. The forms, circulated in four districts of…

Jewish Lightning – with Swastikas!

The arson of over-insured buildings – and cars – has somehow over the years acquired the prejudicial sobriquet “Jewish lightning,” a reference apparently not so much to the arsonists as to the owners of the torched assets who stand to collect from the insurance company. The burning last November of a Jaguar in a Jewish…

Shameless Hollywood Handlers Exploit Failing Old Ladies—and Other Atrocious Scenes

The last few weeks have seen a renewed assault on revisionism in Hollywood, Washington, and New York, all venues which CODOH has targeted (so far) with modest success. First it was the glittering and schlocky Academy Awards presentation, at which “One Survivor Remembers,” the story of Anne Frank's helper Miep Gies, garnered the obligatory Holocaust…

The Holocaust as Rape

In a recent contretemps in the media, an intrepid journalist tweeted the sentiment that “rape denial is like Holocaust denial: it’s a refusal to accept reality.” Actually, except perhaps for the punch line, there’s a good deal to be said for this comparison, though perhaps not much in keeping with the tweeter’s intentions or meaning….

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