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The Crematories of Auschwitz

Carlo Mattogno, a specialist in text analysis and critique, is Italy's foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1951 in Orvieto, Italy, he has carried out advanced linguistic studies in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He is the author of numerous books and monographs, several of which have been published in this Journal. Mattogno has been a…

European New Right Study Warns Against Universalism and Egalitarianism

Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right, by Tomislav Sunic. With preface by Paul Gottfried. New York: Peter Lang (62 W. 45th St., New York, NY 10036), 1990. Hardcover. 196 (+ xii) pages. Notes. Bibliography. $40. ISBN: 0-82041294-5. William Saunders is the pen name of a British-born specialist of international finance, economics and social…

New Work Examines Suppressed Conservative Political-Intellectual Heritage

Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, by Justin Raimondo. Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan. Burlingame, Calif.: Center for Libertarian Studies (P.O. Box 4091, Burlingame, CA 94011), 1993. Softcover. 289 pages. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $17.95. ISBN: 1-883959-00-4. Much attention has been given in recent years to ideological quarrels among factions of…

Mastering Germany’s Difficult Past

Der Nasenring: Im Dickicht der Vergangenbeitsbewältigung (“The Nose Ring: In the Thicket of Mastering the Past”), by Armin Mohler. Essen: Heitz & Höffkes, 1989. (Revised and expanded edition published in 1991 by Verlag Langen Müller, Munich.) Softcover. 256 pages. Index. ISBN: 3-926650-26-5. Armin Mohler, the Swiss-born author who has lived for many years in Germany,…

Classic Critique of “The Revolution That Was” Traces America’s Road from Republic to Empire and Explores Legacy of the Roosevelt New Deal Revolution

Burden of Empire, by Garet Garrett. Introduction by Theodore J. O'Keefe. Newport Beach, Calif.: Noontide Press, 1993. Softcover. 178 pages. ISBN: 0-939482-42-8. (Available through the IHR for $9.50, plus $2 shipping) [check for current availability and price; ed.]. Andrew Clarke is the pen name of a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Born…

On Pressac: History by Night or in Fog?

Editor’s introduction Considerable attention has been devoted during the past year to a book on “The Crematories of Auschwitz” by French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac. Published in September 1993, it has been widely praised for providing definitive proof that the “Holocaust deniers” are wrong. For example, The New Yorker (Nov. 15, p. 73) commented that Pressac…

Behind “Khrushchev Remembers”

One of the more interesting escapades of the Cold War was the publication in the early 1970s of the book Khrushchev Remembers. The circumstance surrounding the publication of the memoirs of [then-retired former Soviet premier] Nikita Khrushchev under the guidance of Time, Inc., were mysterious and mystifying. Khrushchev's thoughts had been secretly taped in the…

Spielberg’s Nazis

"Cartoon Nazis" Joseph Sobran is a lecturer, nationally-syndicated columnist and former National Review senior editor and critic-at-large. This commentary is taken from columns that originally appeared in the Dec. 23, Feb. 3, and April 7 issues of The Wanderer, a traditionalist Roman Catholic weekly. Richard Cohen of The Washington Post writes that he is "written-out…

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