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Novel Traces Wartime Exodus of German Mennonites

The Wanderers, by Ingrid Rimland. Stockton, Calif.: Crystal Books (2731 Lost Creek Court, Stockton, CA 95207), 1988. Softcover. 304 pages. Most Journal readers are at least sketchily aware of the vast and criminal expulsions of more than 14 million Germans from their ancestral homes in the heart of Europe, planned, ordered, and facilitated by American,…

American Historian Looks At “Ethnic Cleansing” of Germans

The German Expellees: Victims in War and Peace, by Alfred-Maurice de Zayas. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. 200 pages. 24 Photographs. Map. Notes. Bibliography. Index. ISBN 0-312-09097-8. (Available from the IHR for $35.00, plus $2.00 shipping.) Robert Clive is the pen name of an American specialist of the political, diplomatic and military history of…

Comprehensive Biography Examines Lives of Indian Nationalist Leaders

Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists Sarat and Subhas Chandra Bose, by Leonard A. Gordon. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990. Softcover. 807 pages. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $25.00. ISBN 0-231-07443-3. Srinidhi Anantharamiah was born in 1967 in Bombay, India. He holds a bachelor's degree from Rutgers University (business, 1989), and a…

Soviet Atrocities in German Silesia

Silesian Inferno: War Crimes of the Red Army on its March into Silesia in 1945, by Karl Friedrich Grau. Introduction by Prof. Ernst Deuerlein. Valley Forge, Penn.: Landpost Press, 1992. Hardcover. 210 pages. Charts. Maps. Bibliography. ISBN 1-880881-09-8. (Available from the IHR for $19.95, plus $2.00 shipping.) This work – a re-issue of a 1970…

Jean-Claude Pressac’s New Auschwitz Book

During the last several months, quite a lot of attention has been devoted to a new book on “The Crematories of Auschwitz” by French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac. Published in late September by France’s National Center for Scientific Research, it supposedly provides definitive proof that the “Holocaust deniers” are wrong. An Associated Press article that has…

Shaping American Thinking Through the Silver Screen

Screening History, by Gore Vidal. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ. Press, 1992. Hardcover. 97 pages. Photographs. ISBN 0-674-79586-5. Few contemporary American writers pretending to serious literature have boasted as wide a range of concerns, poses, feuds and accomplishments as Gore Vidal. He’s run the gamut from littérateur (novelist, playwright, essayist, screenwriter) to unsuccessful politician (Democratic candidate…

Seasoned British Journalist Names Names in Account of Massacre of Russia’s Imperial Family

The Last Days of the Romanovs, by Robert Wilton. Introduction by Mark Weber. Institute for Historical Review, 1993. Softcover. 194 (+ xvii) pages. Photographs. Map. Index. ISBN 0-939484-47-1. (Available from the IHR for $12.95, plus $2 shipping.) Mary Ball Martinez was an accredited member of the Vatican press corps from 1973 to 1988, reporting for…

A Prominent German Historian Tackles Taboos of Third Reich History

Streitpunkte: Heutige und künftige Kontroversen um den Nationalsozialismus (“Points of Contention: Current and Future Controversies about National Socialism”), by Ernst Nolte. Berlin and Frankfurt: Propyläen, 1993. Hardcover. 492 pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 3-549-05234-0. Almost half a century after its dramatic demise, the Third Reich continues to fascinate millions and provoke heated discussion. Historians, sociologists, journalists…

Crossing Swords in France on the Holocaust Issue

Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust, by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Translated and with a foreword by Jeffrey Mehlman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. Hardcover. 205 (+ xxvi) pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-231-07458-1. In no country has Holocaust revisionism gained greater ground than in France. Most of the blame or credit for…

New Books Seek to Discredit ‘Growing Threat’ of ‘Holocaust Denial’

Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, by Deborah Lipstadt. New York: Free Press, 1993. Hardcover. 278 pages. Notes. Index. $22.95. ISBN: 0-02-919235-8. Holocaust Denial by Kenneth S. Stern. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1993. Softcover. 193 pages. Notes. Index. $12.95. ISBN: 0-87495-102-X. Hitler’s Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Holocaust “Revisionism” edited…

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