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Maus: A Survivor’s Tale

Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, 160 pp., $8.95 The publisher of Maus directs libraries to shelve the book under “Holocaust/Autobiography,” and indeed, although it is a comic strip featuring white mice as Jews, pigs as Poles, cats as Nazis, and wartime Europe as a gigantic mousetrap, Maus is…

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War

War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War by John W. Dower. New York: Pantheon Books, 1986, xii, 399 pp., illustrated, $22.50, ISBN 0-394-50030-X. Following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the American people reacted violently with fear and anger at the suddenly ominous power of the Japanese nation. The forms this…

An American in Exile: The Story of Arthur Rudolph

An American in Exile: The Story of Arthur Rudolph, by Thomas Franklin, Huntsville, Alabama: Christopher Kaylor Company, 1987. 366 pages, $16.95, Hb., ISBN 0-916039-04-8. In the spring of 1986 I had the pleasure of interviewing several men who played key roles in the German rocket development program and in the subsequent American space program, which…


Shoah: An Oral History of the Holocaust. The Complete Text of the Film, by Claude Lanzmann. Preface by Simone de Beauvoir. Translated by A. Whitelaw and W. Byron. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985, xii + 200 pp. hb, $11.95, ISBN 0-394-55142-7. Since Shoah the movie rolled on for a seemingly interminable nine and a half…

Critique of John S. Conway’s Review of Walter Sanning’s “Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry” from “The International History Review,” August 1985

In the annals of anti-Revisionism, one does not often find Establishment academia types appraising Revisionist works directly. However, Dr. A.R. Butz has recently discovered just such an endeavor, involving, indeed, a book to which he wrote the preface: Walter Sanning's The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. The deed was done by one John S. Conway,…

On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor

On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor: The Memoirs of Admiral James O. Richardson (USN Retired), As Told to Vice Admiral George C. Dyer (USN Retired). Washington DC: Naval Historical Division, Deparhnent of the Navy, 1973, 471 pages. On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor: The Memoirs of Admiral James O. Richardson (USN Retired), As Told to…

Warsaw under German rule

Warschau unter deutscher Herrschaft [Warsaw under German rule] by Friedrich Gollert. Warsaw: Berg Verlag GmbH.,1942, 302 pp. On the occasion of the two years' existence of the General Government (GG), I was commissioned to render an account concerning the District of Warsaw. At that time (1941) I wrote Zwei Jahre Wiederaufbau im Distrikt Warschau (Two…

Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations with a Militant Israel

Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, by Stephen Green. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1984. This excellent, heavily-documented and footnoted book should indeed, as the blurb on the inside dust-jacket promises, “cause major reassessments in the published literature in this field, at least as far as mainstream sources are concerned.” Mr….

Heckling Hitler: Caricatures of the Third Reich

Heckling Hitler: Caricatures of the Third Reich, by Zbynek Zeman. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1987, Pb., 128 pp., illustrated, $14.95, ISBN 0-87451-403-7. Heckling Hitler, a recent selection of the Jewish Book Club, is a collection of 178 anti-Hitler, anti-National Socialist and anti-German political cartoons of the Weimar Republic and Nazi eras….

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