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The Orthodox Holocaust Narrative as a Conspiracy Theory

Rémi Perron, Révisionnisme contre complotisme. Paris: Editions Plein Soleil, 2016. 152 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website François Fradin, Notes sur l’extermino-complotisme et le révisionnisme. Rome: La Sfinge, 2016. 134 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website Abstract Holocaust revisionism is increasingly…

The Anti-Revisionist Hollywood Movie Attacking Historian David Irving Is a Flop

Denial. BBC Films. 109 minutes. This reviewer was expecting that it would be a tedious ordeal to sit through Denial, Hollywood’s attempted canonization of the obnoxious thought cop Deborah Lipstadt, which was supposed to also serve as the final confirmation of the libel trial in London in 2000 that saw historian David Irving’s reputation supposedly…

Tickling the Dragon

Look Who’s Back! Constantin Film. 116 minutes He/it is the most-delicate subject in Germany, perhaps even the world, at least since the time he was alive (1889-1945). This is more-so in Germany, the country whose government he controlled in the last 12 years of his life, than anywhere else. In Germany, many (dozens?) are in…

Reconsidering Hitler’s Gestapo

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler’s Secret Police. Frank McDonough. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2015). Dr. Frank McDonough, professor of international history at Liverpool John Moores University, has written a book that will be of much interest to “historical revisionists.” Like Robert N. Proctor’s Nazi War on Cancer[1] it is a revisionist work,…

Arthur Ekirch on American Militarism

In 1783 the treaty ending hostilities between Great Britain and its rebellious colonies along the eastern seaboard of North America was signed in Paris. For their part the English proclaimed that, “His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations …” – there followed the rest…

To Kill a Taboo

Spotlight. Open Road Films, 2015, 129 mins. The eternal enemy of truth—and history—is taboo. Taboo is the enveloping social process by which knowledge is contained by suppressing its expression. First among those subjected to taboo are the direct witnesses to the knowledge, and first among these are those who have suffered from it but survived…

Denial, “A Battle to Defend the Veracity of Historical Facts”

Denial, a Holocaust Movie based on Deborah Lipstadt’s book History on Trial, is to be released this September. History on Trial is Lipstadt’s account of her vendetta with author David Irving culminating in a defamation action. The action was tried in a London court in 2000 before Judge Charles Gray. Opportunity The release is an…

Art and the Law(s)

The German and the Iranian governments—God bless ‘em both—have gotten together to exchange art exhibits as part of an effort to promote comity between the two peoples, if not their respective governments. So, (some) art from the recently repressive, theocratic regime in Iran has encountered a bar as blasphemy in the democratic, liberal, tolerant regime…

Rethinking “Mein Kampf”

On 1 January 2016, Mein Kampf came out of copyright. It has now been 70 years since the author’s death, and by international copyright law, legal protection for the book has expired. Thus it is perhaps a good time to reconsider and reexamine this most notorious work—and perhaps to banish some of the many myths…

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