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Denial on Prime Time TV

The runaway-popular series The Good Wife is in its fifth season this year. In its second episode, "The Bit Bucket," aired this past week, the heroes are suing the NSA for damaging their client, a social-networking site of which Facebook would be an example in the real world. The NSA, to discredit Chum Hum (the…

The Great War Retold

These are boom times for histories of World War I. Like its sequel, though to a lesser degree, it seems to be the war that never ends. Works keep appearing on issues once considered settled, such as the “Belgian atrocities” and the reputation of commanders like Douglas Haig. Last year, Cambridge published a collection of…

Debating, Round 2: Maintaining Balance

Debating the Holocaust, 2nd edition, by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, 2015, 323 pp. Inconvenient History carried a review of the first edition of Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust. The second edition has now been published, and the mask is down: Dr. Dalton admits—professes, in fact—that he is, indeed, a Holocaust revisionist,…

Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, “Escaping Hell in Treblinka”

Israel Cymlich, Oskar Strawczynski, Escaping Hell in Treblinka, Yad Vashem, York/Jerusalem 2007 In this volume, historian David Silberklang presents the memoirs of the Polish Jews Israel Cymlich and Oskar Strawczynski, dated respectively to June 1943 and the summer of 1944. While Strawczynski was a detainee at the “extermination camp”; Treblinka II, Cymlich is one of…

A Revisionist Breeze is Blowing…

Are the officials of Jewish organisations sincere in their constant denunciations of anti-Semitism? At any moment, and for no apparent reason, they’re apt to cry wolf or, rather, yell about how “the womb of the horrid beast (that gave birth to Nazism) is still fertile”;. If need be they invent this purported anti-Semitism, either on…

Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior

Hilary Evans, M.A., and Robert Bartholomew, Ph.D., Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, Anomalist Books, 2009. 784 pp.   Hilary Evans is a British historian and a prolific author who has written dozens of books on subjects ranging from Victorian private life to flying saucers. Robert Bartholomew is an accredited sociologist and a recognized…

LEBENSRAUM! Ingrid Rimland’s Epic Trilogy

While historical revisionists have produced no end of factual books analyzing the claim that the Nazis killed six million Jews during the Second World War, they have been notably less successful in creating works of imaginative literature on revisionist themes. Meanwhile, the fictional Holocaust epics of such accomplished hacks as Gerald Green, Herman Wouk, and…

Hans Schmidt’s Dramatic Aaccount of his Incarceration in “Democratic” Germany

Hans Schmidt has just published a memoir of his 1995 incarceration by the German thought-police, Jailed in 'Democratic' Germany: The Ordeal of an American Writer. As many SR readers will remember, Schmidt was grabbed by German thought police while returning home from Germany in the summer of 1995. The 68-year-old writer was arrested and imprisoned…

The Holocaust Story in Microcosm

A recent issue of TV Guide (Feb. 22, 1997) featured a review of Schindler’s List by well-known movie reviewer Gene Siskel. Siskel’s article, entitled “Schindler's List: Cut, but no Commercials,” is a fine example, on a small scale, of how the mystification surrounding the Holocaust story breeds confusion and self-delusion among adepts and amateurs alike….

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