
CODOH’s review section is not just for consumption. Feel free to submit your own review of a book, a paper, a movie, an audio piece, or a play. There are two conditions:

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  2. Content and style of the paper must be appropriate.

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Republican Party Animal

Republican Party Animal, by David Cole, Feral House, Port Townsend, WA, 2014, 319 pp. Republican Party Animal is a layered chronicle of David Cole’s short but storied public career as a “Jewish Holocaust denier” and of his equally unlikely “second life” as David Stein, when he would come to play an influential role as an…

Orson Welles and the First Holocaust Movie: A Lasting Legacy

If the pinnacle of the Holocaust Movie genre has been reached, it may have happened in 1993, when Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List garnered seven academy awards and untold millions of dollars in royalties for the film magnate who has since declared that the reason he has honored Planet Earth with a personal visit is to…

Republican Party Animal, by David Cole

The three-page introduction serves to set the scene of a self-declared-reluctant author giving an interview to a late-arriving reporter of the JTA—Jewish Telegraph Agency. As he sits in a bar awaiting the reporter’s arrival he reflects upon his own alcoholism and how he had experienced social condemnation because of his Revisionist views, which made him…

The Evil Muse of Bradley Smith

This is an astounding turn of events. My new book, A Personal History of Moral Decay, has been reviewed in Taki’s Magazine. This is a cultural event, if you will, that is a first. A book written by a Holocaust Revisionist being reviewed and reviewed positively, in one of the premier intellectual and cultural publications…

The Holocaust in American Life

The Holocaust in American Life, by Peter Novick, Mariner Books, New York, 1999, 373 pp. Sometime very late in the Twentieth Century, Jewish Historian Peter Novick chose to write a book whose title very aptly described its subject, The Holocaust in American Life. Clearly, based on a reading of the book, Novick had grave concerns…

Comparative Review of Two Works on the Aktion Reinhardt Camps

Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka. Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard: A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues, by Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, and Nicholas Terry, Holocaust Controversies; 2011, 570 pp. and The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt”: An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the…

Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of “Truth” and “Memory”

by Germar Rudolf (ed.), Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003 (second edition) 612pp., with index Arthur Butz’s devastating The Hoax of the Twentieth Century was the broadside that heralded the destruction of the evil propaganda legacy of World War II since labeled “the Holocaust.” The next step needed in this process of rectification was to…

West of Memphis

Sony Pictures Classics, 2012, 147 mins. West of Memphis is about the discovery in 1993 of the bodies of three local boys about eight years old, hog-tied, beaten and lacerated, in a marsh in Arkansas about 24 hours after they were last seen alive. The incident has become famous in the aftermath of the trial…

The Invention of the Jewish People

The Invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand, Verso, Brooklyn 2010 (second edition), 325 pp., with index “Behind every act in Israel’s identity politics stretches, like a long black shadow, the idea of an eternal people and race.”—Shlomo Sand, The Invention of the Jewish People, p. 280 This book reports the history of a…

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