
Reviews of entire books – brochures, monographs, anthologies.

By Blood and Fire

By Blood and Fire, by Thurston Clarke, G.P.Putnam's Sons, Ilb, $12.95. In these days of erotic fiction and strange “documentaries” on the market, it is rewarding to read an excellent non-fiction book on a little known subject that hasn't been widely documented. By Blood and Fire is virtually a scenario of one of the most…

The Faurisson Affair – II

Mémoire en Défense, by Robert Faurisson, 275 pp, Preface by Noam. Chomsky, La Vieille Taupe; B.P. 9805; 75224 Paris Cedex 05, 1980,FF65. Intolerable Intolerance, by Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit, Eric Delcroix, Claude Karnoouh, Vincent Monteff, and Jean-Louis Tristani, 206 pp, Editions de la Différence, Paris, 1981, FF42. This review of the two cited books is a continuation…

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell

The Other Holocaust: Many Circles Of Hell, by Bohdan Wytwycky, Novak, 1980, 918 F Street NW #410, Washington, DC 20004, 96pp, paperback. ISBN: 9991651950. The inevitable has happened. Exterminationist circles are viciously divided as to “whose Holocaust is it anyway?” This Ukrainian author has sought to hitch a ride on the Holocaust gravy-train, by addressing…

The Secret Betrayal

The Secret Betrayal, Nikolai Tolstoy, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978, 503pp, hardback, available from IHR at $16.00. ISBN: 0-684-15635-0. From 1943 until early 1947 Western countries, led by Britain and the United States, returned nearly two and a half million prisoners of war and refugees to the Soviet Union, regardless of their individual wishes. Additional thousands…

Death From On High

Bomber Command: The Myths and Reality of the Strategic Bombing Offensive 1939–45 by Max Hastings. New York, The Dial Press/James Wade, 1979. 469 pp with Notes, Appendices, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8037-0154-X. One of the most controversial campaigns of the Second World War was the bombing offensive against Germany. British, and to a lesser extent…

The Crime of Moscow in Vynnytsia

The Crime Of Moscow In Vynnytsia, Introduction by John F. Stewart, Preface by Lewis Brandon, Institute for Historical Review, 1980, 48 pp. paperback, $3.00 from IHR. ISBN: 0-911038-90-6. In 1943 the German occupation authorities in Ukraine discovered the bodies of 9,439 victims of the Soviet NKVD. The victims were all Ukrainian dissidents, who had been…

The Fascist Ego: A Political Biography Of Robert Brasillach

The Fascist Ego: A Political Biography Of Robert Brasillach, William R. Tucker, University of California Press, 341 pp. hardback $22.95. ISBN: 0-520-027108 Robert Brasillach, one of the most promising literary critics, novelists, poets and journalists of the thirties, was condemned in a French courtroom of collaboration with the Germans and was executed in 1945, despite…

A Place Apart

A Place Apart, by Dervla Murphy, Devin-Adair Company, 290pp. hardback, $15.00. ISBN: 0-8159-6516-8. The “place apart” to which Ms. Murphy refers is that much maligned and misunderstood part of the world, Northern Ireland. After many trips cycling in and to India, Nepal, Pakistan and Ethiopia, the Irish authoress suddenly realized that she had not yet…

Genocide In The Holy Land

Genocide in the Holy Land by Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld is a worthy sequel to the same author's The Holocaust Victims Accuse. Rabbi Schonfeld presents a documented account of the destruction by the Zionists of Middle Eastern and North African Jewry. Although the book focuses on the plight of Yemenite Jews, there is also considerable material…

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