Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

The 1985 Ernst Zündel Trial

Jews seldom praise the work of Holocaust Revisionists. However, an exception is sometimes made regarding the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto. For example, the failure of Jewish eyewitnesses to provide credible testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial caused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to write that the trial was “a total victory for…

Friedrich Paul Berg, R.I.P.

In the first half of 1991, after I had realized that the Holocaust topic is too large for one single person to cope, I started getting in touch with scholars around the globe who, as I was told or had otherwise learned, would be willing and able to contribute to a major effort of compiling…

In Memoriam Thomas Dunskus, 29 Jan. 1933 – 17 Sept. 2021

When Thomas Dunskus passed away on September 17, 2021, Holocaust revisionism lost a vital friend and supporter. While most people may never have heard his name before, for those who have been involved in our struggle to get the revisionist message out, he was probably the most-resourceful and hardest-working volunteer we at CODOH had ever seen…

Two Faces of Heroism: Wolfgang Fröhlich and Admiral Sir Tom Phillips

Ending a sad month for H&D, following the loss of our comrades John Bean and Ian Carser, we learned that the great Austrian revisionist – 70-year-old chemical engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich, who earlier this year was awarded the Robert Faurisson International Prize – has died. His longstanding comrade Franz Radl informs us: “As I was told he…

David Cole Jewish American Holocaust Revisionist (1:31:58)

David Cole Jewish American Holocaust Revisionist. One of the many things, that “outrage” Holocaust atrocity liars, is the increasing number of individuals who question the “Holocaust” story (despite the fact that “Holocaust” denial is illegal in many countries around the world), but there are also an increasing number of individuals who dismiss the “Holocaust” as…

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