Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Memorabilia: The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler – David Irving

David Irving gives us "the other version" of the Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler. In this video (One hour and 22 minutes) produced by Focal Point publications, the brilliant best selling author from England, an incredible researcher, and a fantastic speaker (very witty!), talks about Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS in the Third…

Memorabilia: The Real Winston Churchill : David Irving

Churchill was above all a man who craved power, and a man who craves power, craves opportunity to advance himself no matter what the cost. Churchill and his "Focus" group received millions of pounds from the Czech government to overthrow Chamberlain. This constituted treason. English classical liberal John Morley, after working with Churchill, passed a…

Memorabilia: David Irving on the Lipstadt Trial: The Truth

David Irving gives us the real deal with his trial with Deborah Lipstadt, free speech, German and other Europeans censorship and the freedom of internet at risk. David Irving, best selling British writer, and incredible researcher, talks about his recent "trial" with Deborah Lipstadt, a hideous Jewish "professor" who thinks it's fine to defame Germans…

Ernst Zündel: in Conversation with Dr Fredrick Toben

Great conversation of two mighty Holocau$t revisionists Ernst Zundel and Fredrick Toben. In this video (One hour 43 minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) talks to Doctor Fredrick Toben (1944 – 2020), an Australian who campaigned against the Holocau$t lie. Dr Toben said that anyone who doubts the "Holocau$t" lie, you must be prepared for…

Two Jailbirds

In 2010, a little over a year after I had been released from prison, and just a few months after Ernst Zündel had been released as well, Castle Hill Publishers ran out of the German edition of Robert Lenski’s book The Holocaust on Trial, which is a summary of the Second Zündel Trial. The question…

Memorabilia: Auschwitz: Did 4 million really die? Ernst Zündel and David Cole

Ernest Zundel tells the story of  how he  gets to meet David Cole and how they agreed to meet and explore together the Auschwitz museum. In this video (Two hours and three minutes) the supposedly "Nazi Fascist" Ernst Zundel talks to David Cole, who is a Jew, about the stupid Allied propaganda claim that 4…

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