Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Ludwig Fanghänel, 8 October 1937 – 20 January 2017

My wife Olga and I learned with immense sadness that our dear friend Dr. Ludwig Fanghänel passed away on 20 January. To the revisionist community, Ludwig was known under his pen name Klaus Schwensen. He was the author of seven revisionist articles published in the English language at Inconvenient History: Of these articles, the…

The Library of Congress Has Holocaust-Denial Books!

Evidently, the hard-earned tax dollars of United States taxpayers are being expended to purchase and make available to America’s reading public, books that Yad Vashem and others have exposed to be Holocaust-denial books! Lately, we’ve heard the hue and cry that Amazon is peddling books advocating Holocaust denial (and would Amazon kindly remove such material…

Memorabilia:Is it them or Is it Us?

The exploitation of the German monster scam is supported by the great majority of Americans who are Jews, and the great majority of Americans who are not Jews. Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, we can say that with regard to the Holocaust question Jews and Gentiles act as if we are all "brothers under…

Denying Denial

[ Editor’s Note: The Ernst Zündel trial, where both David Irving and Fred Leuchter were witnesses, is something I had a front row seat on, having known Ingrid and Ernst for a long time now. The Holohoax Lobby went down in flames from that court case, as it got massive publicity. Sure… the Lobby folks…

Deborah Lipstadt, Lost in the Age of Internet

Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, and Rassinier   The Defenders of the Holocaust Faith have been outspoken about politics recently. On 14 November Deborah Lipstadt told Politico that she was “flabbergasted” and “almost at a loss for words” because of the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's chief advisor, given Bannon's association with…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Ruling Discourse on Holocaust Studies

With the renewed interest in Deborah Lipstadt due to the release of the film Denial, we have chosen to include this article by the late Bradley R. Smith. Smith comments extensively about Lipstadt’s anti-revisionist book, Denying the Holocaust and especially the vitriol that Lipstadt unleashed on him for his work to introduce college students to…

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