Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Judges Quash Zündel Guilty Verdict

(Following are excerpts from stories reported in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Sun when this story first broke.) Toronto Star (27 August): Toronto publisher Ernst Zundel's conviction for spreading false news about the deaths of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust was struck down today by the Supreme Court of…

What I Believe, What I Don’t

I understand perfectly well that the Hitlerian regime was anti-Semitic and that it persecuted Jews and others. I understand that many peoples experienced unfathomable catastrophes in Europe during World War II. The catastrophe of the Jews was one among them. Nevertheless. I no longer believe that there was a plan to “exterminate” the Jews of…

Holocaust Lobby at University of Texas Reels under Multi-Pronged Revisionist Attack

As reported in the last issue of Smith’s, David Cole’s Open Letter to the Daily Texan was run as a half-page advertisement in that paper on Friday 19 February. The ad informed the reader about our video “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper” and pointed out that the Texan , rather than allowing both sides…

How Money Almost Killed Revisionism

The opponents of revisionism—not counting the billion-dollar reparations programs—collect and spend as much money in a week as all the world’s revisionists in a year. If in 2014, revisionism commanded as much as a whole million dollars , the Holocaust memorials and theme parks, genocide-studies departments of a hundred universities, and anti-Semitism monitors of a…

I Was Gassed!

I have survived carbon-monoxide poisoning, more than once. My latest carbon-monoxide poisoning was caused by an improperly installed stove ventilation fan located next to a natural-gas hot-water heater. This latest CO poisoning was the most severe. From my experience of being “gassed,” I have several observations pertaining to “Holocaust gassing” claims. As we are t,…

Transition Times

Late on July 16, Bradley Smith called to tell me that he won’t be able to do Smith’s Report anymore. Hence Jett, doing the writing, and I (formatting and actual publishing) got the present issue out all by ourselves. We don’t know whether this is temporary or permanent, but the writing has been on the…

The Light Flickers

This issue of Smith’s Report must be the first ever that lacks the byline of Bradley Smith. Our namesake and “face” has given over what for anyone else would be their “golden years” to the fight for freedom to discuss openly what might be history’s most-contended subject. It is a supreme act of self-sacrifice, perhaps…

Her Majesty the Queen – versus – Ernst Zündel

In the 1980s, the German-born Canadian writer and publisher Ernst Zündel came under attack by the Holocaust fundamentalists of Canada for his revisionist activity as a publisher and publicist. Unable to answer his valid and legitimate questions about the Holocaust, these powerful Jewish militants decided to exploit their influence on the Canadian judicial system and…

News and Notes

For some years now I have been writing a special cover letter to go with the December issue of this Report. Needing a little shove to get going I was searching for cover letters I wrote here for Christmas in 2004 and hopefully in 1994. Or there about. It could be interesting. As it turned…

Half a Century of Rebellion

Q: Thanks first of all that you have agreed to this interview. A: You’re most welcome. Q: And then, of course, happy birthday! How does it feel to be half a century old? A: Thanks, well, not good. But then again, I don’t really care. After 50 years we all are of the same age….

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