Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

George Morgenstern, 1906-1988

By James J. Martin- George Morgenstern, the author of the first Revisionist book about the December 7,1941 Pearl Harbor attack and the complex history which preceded and followed it, died in Denver, Colorado on July 23, 1988, in his 83rd year. Morgenstern's book, titled Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, published by Devin…

Che Guevara in Saigon — 1968

When I saw the first light of day come in through the window I pushed the three paperback books I used for a pillow against the wall and rolled up the reed mat and stood it in the corner of the room. On the bed, Bryant turned onto his side snoring lightly. Bryant’s a Quaker,…

Interview: Wilf Heink

By Richard A. Widmann- Widmann: For readers who may not know you, could you explain how you first became involved in historical revisionism? Heink: I was born in 1937, in Germany, a long story and not the issue here. In 1959 my wife and I, along with our 1-year-old son, moved to Canada. At first,…

Dr. Henri Roques has died

By Richard A. Widmann- On 16 March 2014, Dr. Henri Roques died.  Roques, who was 93 at the time of his death, had spent a week in the hospital having been admitted for a double pulmonary embolism. Roques was born in Lyon on 10 November 1920. A revisionist pioneer, he became interested in revisionism in…

The Passing of Joseph Bellinger

By Richard A. Widmann- In the middle of March, I was informed of the passing of Joseph P. Bellinger. The old adage “bad news travels fast” proved to be inaccurate. Bellinger, who was born on 13 September 1949 had passed away on 20 October 2013 after a long battle with throat cancer. While Joe may…

Remembering Paul Rassinier (18 March 1906 – 29 July 1967)

By Richard A. Widmann- Today is the birthday of Paul Rassinier, widely considered to be the father of Holocaust revisionism.  Rassinier's background and experiences topple the widely held stereotypes of Holocaust revisionists; he was a Holocaust survivor, a member of the French Resistance, and a Socialist member of the French assembly. Rassinier participated in the founding…

I am becoming… unnameable

February 12, 2014 Eric Delcroix, my former lawyer, has just reminded me that the late humorist Pierre Desproges (1939-1988), in a skit for the television show “Le Tribunal des flagrants délires” (The Court of in flagrante delirio), once portrayed me as an unnameable character, unnameable at least for the French justice system. Announcing the accused’s…

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