Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Exactitude Symphony

Ernst Zündel’s contribution was written on December 5, 2003, from the Rexdale, Ontario, GULag in the People’s Republic of Canada, that is, from his solitary confinement cell where he is being held as a political prisoner of conscience by the Crown authorities. His location is the Toronto-West Detention Center, 111 Disco Road Box 4950, Rexdale,…

Robert Faurisson

Introduction When I was asked to contribute towards the Robert Faurisson Festschrift, I recalled my own student days during the 1970s in Germany where I had regularly come across such publications. The German word Schrift means writing or a piece of correspondence. The word Fest has become part of the English language, and few English…


The following text was written by Theodore O’Keefe, long-time coworker of the Institute for Historical Review and former editor of The Journal of Historical Review, on occasion of Robert Faurisson’s 75th birthday: “Robert Faurisson taught revisionists the hardness of words. Molded by the exacting discipline that reading and writing the classical languages demands and confers,…

Robert Faurisson and Revisionism in Italy

In August 1979, the well-established magazine “Storia Illustrata” published an interview given to Antonio Pitamitz by Robert Faurisson,[1] which has become a milestone along the road of historical revisionism. At the time, I had already started to devote myself to revisionism, and through this text with its clear, essential, and convincing statements I really became…

Robert Faurisson – A Long View

Great men do not need praise as much as they need an understanding of what they have done. I believe I have known Robert Faurisson longer than any other person currently active in 'Holocaust' revisionism, except for one relative of his, so it is incumbent on me to attempt to provide a long view of…

The Flight of Abbé Pierre

The previous issue of Smith's Report (No. 32) described the furor in France surrounding ex-Communist theoretician Roger Garaudy's embrace of Holocaust Revisionism (in an article by Christiane Chombeau available in the original French on the International Page of CODOH's Web site), and the indictment of Garaudy and his publisher, Pierre Guillaume, under France's obscurantist law…

Director of Research at Auschwitz State Museum Admits on Camera that Auschwitz “Gas Chamber” is a Fraud!

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) now has Dr.Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum, on videotape conceeding that the Auschwitz “gas chamber” was “reconstructed” after the war, not from plans drawn by engineers and architects, but from such “eyewitness” recollections as those of the corrupt Filip…

CODOH'S $50,000 Offer Keeps Making Waves on Campus and off

CODOH’s latest campus campaign, spearheaded by the reward offered for showing David Cole’s video on Auschwitz on a national TV network in prime time, has been the most successful first quarter thrust in the Campus Project’s eight-year history. Besides resulting in a record number of college and university newspaper ads, it has brought Holocaust revisionism…

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