Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Irving Censorship Furor

Cowed by a furious campaign organized by Jewish censorship groups, St. Martin's Press has knuckled under and canceled publication of David Irving's Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich. Ironically, CODOH's Website, by posting Irving's introduction to the biography, played a key role in alerting the censors to the planned book. No comfort for the censors…

Canadian “Human Rights” Panel Seeks Close-Down of Zündelsite

CODOH’s Website has just gotten a whole lot bigger. We are cruising into the New Year carrying Ernst Zuendel’s Internet site—“piggyback” as it were—on the World Wide Web. Why? Not because authorities in Canada have closed down the Zuendelsite—after all, it operates out of the United States of America. Not because computer whizzes among the…

The Flight of Abbé Pierre

The previous issue of Smith's Report (No. 32) described the furor in France surrounding ex-Communist theoretician Roger Garaudy's embrace of Holocaust Revisionism (in an article by Christiane Chombeau available in the original French on the International Page of CODOH's Web site), and the indictment of Garaudy and his publisher, Pierre Guillaume, under France's obscurantist law…

Outlaw History #36

Professor Ward Churchill, a product of the academic left, whose area of expertise is social activism on behalf of American Indian rights, committed a thought crime following the 9/11 Islamist attack on New York City and the Pentagon. He wrote that the victims (the victims!) of the World Trade Towers were “little Eichmanns.” That is…

Outlaw History #20

[This letter was mailed via USPO to subscribers to Smith's Report in December 2004.] Dear Friend: With this season twenty-five Christmases will have come gone since that September evening when I first read Robert Faurisson's essay on “The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz.” Twenty-five Christmases! A lot of water has…

Outlaw History #13

Below is a letter written by Germar Rudolf to his “friends.” It refers to how he is fighting his extradition to Germany to serve five years, or longer, in a German prison for thought crimes. Rudolf, who studied chemistry at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, discovered that the gas chamber stories are so trashy…

Reading Mein Kampf

Table of Contents Preface [to come] Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three [to come] Chapter Four [to come] Chapter Five [to come] Chapter Six [to come] Chapter Seven [to come] Chapter Eight [to come] Chapter Nine [to come]

A Personal History of Moral Decay

This is a collection of autobiographical narratives that have been written over the last 40-odd years. There is more to come. 1950's (SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES) "The Daring Young Man Meets William Saroyan"That morning in the forest we fell out alongside the trail for a rest and some chow. There was the creek, the trail…

Break His Bones

If you are curious about how it is to try to convince intellectuals that it is better to encourage intellectual freedom than it is to discourage it, I offer you the true story of a Holocaust revisionist. Table of Contents Author’s Note Preface Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six…

Censorship in East and West

As reported in The Revisionist No. 2/2003 (pp. 183-196), Ernst Zündel was arrested and deported from the U.S. to Canada in February 2002 for allegedly overstaying his visitor visa waiver. In Canada, he is being held in a maximum security prison under inhuman circumstances and being subjected to Kafkaesque secret hearings, the purpose of which…

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