Berg, Friedrich Paul

Friedrich Berg was born in 1943, the son of German immigrants. He was educated in the United States and holds a degree in Mining Engineering from Columbia University. His professional engineering work has been primarily as a mechanical engineer.

He has served as an Environmental Affairs Representative. In that capacity he was recognized as an expert for environmental concerns including air pollution.

In April of 1978, Friedrich Berg first took a public stand regarding his views on the Holocaust story when he led a demonstration against the National Broadcasting Company for its showing of the TV miniseries, “Holocaust.” In the years that followed Berg became known for the numerous articles which he wrote including the standard revisionist text on the absurdity of the diesel gas – mass murder story, “Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth within a Myth.”

Berg summed up his views on the diesel gas story to this author as follows:

“The Holocaust story relies on generally accepted — but totally false — misperceptions about the toxicity of diesel exhaust. Although diesel exhaust does indeed smell terrible at times and may even look terrible, the appearance and smell have nothing whatever to do with the presence or absence of any toxic ingredient. The all-important toxic ingredient is carbon monoxide; at full load, diesel exhaust contains less than 0.4% carbon monoxide. These numbers are the worst cases and apply to every Diesel engine ever built regardless of the condition of the engines. From diesels, even the highest CO levels alone cannot possibly kill more than a small minority of an average group of people. Only in combination with the reduced oxygen levels, which occur only when the engines are under ‘heavy load,’ can a combination of effects kill large percentages of people in half-an-hour. Any reasonable gassing arrangement would, however, have had to kill everyone. Gasoline engine exhaust, by contrast, easily contains 7% to 12% carbon monoxide and no oxygen at all. Even far more deadly, producer gas contains up to 35% carbon monoxide and no oxygen at all. More than 500,000 producer gas-driven vehicles were used throughout German-occupied Europe during WW2, any one of which would have been thousands of times more effective than any diesel arrangement. But, neither gasoline engines nor producer gas generators have ever been implicated in any of the Holocaust claims — only diesels. How absurd and how inefficient those Nazis must have been!”

Friedrich Berg is one of the Holocaust-revisionist pioneers. His works on various technical topics related to the Holocaust story have been published by various journals around the world. He has also addressed numerous audiences on these topics and has had his ideas broadcast on radio and television.

His own website can be found at

Friedrich Paul Berg, R.I.P.

In the first half of 1991, after I had realized that the Holocaust topic is too large for one single person to cope, I started getting in touch with scholars around the globe who, as I was told or had otherwise learned, would be willing and able to contribute to a major effort of compiling…


Fritz Berg talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz shows that the "holocau$t" stories have no basis in fact and are ludicrous. Here, he talks about using Diesel engines to "gas" people, the lunatic charges…

Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (3 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Here, in this video (29 videos) Fritz talks about "gas wagons", "gassing", Diesel gas, and other Communist atrocity stories. Fritz demolishes the claims by the Holocau$t liars.

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz, a Engineer, shows (9 minutes) that Diesel exhaust is a very stupid claim by the Communists, being an absurd killing method. The Communists never bothered with…

Memorabilia: Fritz Berg TV interview on Gas Wagons and more (1 and 2 of 3)

Fritz Berg  talks about some of the incoherences on the Holocaust story and particularly the gas wagons that have been claimed to be used to do mass killing. Fritz talks (56 minutes) candidly about Gas wagons and allied bombing. Fritz looks at "Gas chambers" and other Allied drivel and looks at the situation with bomb…

Executive Fired for Translating “Journal” Items

Because she helped translate three reference articles published in The Journal of Historical Review, a long-time executive of the German National Tourist Office in New York has been dismissed. Michael Kranefeld, Regional Manager of the Office, announced on May 9 the immediate dismissal of its manager of sales promotions, Elke Berg, who is also the…

Executive Fired for Translating Journal Items

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Because she helped translate three reference articles published in The Journal of Historical Review, a long-time executive of the German National Tourist Office in New York has been dismissed. Michael Kranefeld, Regional Manager of the Office, announced on May 9 the immediate dismissal of its manager…

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