
What were the reasons for World War II? Of course, Hitler attacked Poland. On the other hand, when Stalin invaded Poland and then attacked Finland a few months later, nobody declared war on the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, Hitler tried to negotiate a settlement. So what were the reasons for World War II? The Versailles “Peace Treaty” had created so many injustices in Europe that it bore within itself the seeds of a new war. One ought not neglect the colonial arms race in the Pacific between the newcomer Japan and the old European colonial powers…

Roosevelt’s Secret Pre-War Plan to Bomb Japan

Several months before Japan's December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt secretly authorized devastating American bombing raids against Japanese cities. A top secret document de-classified in 1970, but only made public a few years ago, shows that in July 1941 Roosevelt and his top military advisers approved a daring plan to use…

An Interview with Admiral Kimmel

December 7. Whenever this fateful date reoccurs on the calelndar, it invariably revives a flood of tragic and painful recollections. The pain of recollection will be intensified this year when you read the recently published frank, and informative, memoirs of the widely experienced and universally respected General Albert C. Wedemeyer [Wedemeyer Reports! – Ed.]. This…

Roosevelt and Hitler: Prelude to War

Roosevelt and Hitler: Prelude to War, by Robert E. Herzstein. New York: Paragon House, 1989, hardbound, 500 pages, photographs, index, $24.95. ISBN: 1-55778-021-8 Among those who are essentially sympathetic with his presidency, opinion about Franklin D. Roosevelt’s role in the period leading up to Pearl Harbor is divided. During the late 1930's, FDR promised “time…

Hitler’s War

“To historians is granted a talent that even the gods are denied – to alter what has already happened.” I bore this scornful adage in mind when I embarked on this study of Adolf Hitler's twelve years of absolute power. I saw myself as a stone-cleaner – less concerned with architectural appraisal than with scrubbing…

Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor

Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor. One in the series “Our Century,” produced by British Broadcasting Corp., and cablecast December, 1989, on the Arts & Entertainment Network. Written and produced by Roy Davies. Pearl Harbor will be Franklin Roosevelt's Watergate. That portentous idea was expressed fourteen years ago in an article by Percy Greaves, a leading historian…

George Morgenstern, 1906-1988

George Morgenstern, the author of the first Revisionist book about the December 7,1941 Pearl Harbor attack and the complex history which preceded and followed it, died in Denver, Colorado on July 23, 1988, in his 83rd year. Morgenstern's book, titled Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, published by Devin A. Garrity in New…

Hitler’s Declaration of War against the United States

It has often been said that Hitler's greatest mistakes were his decisions to go to war against the Soviet Union and the United States. Whatever the truth may be, it's worth noting his own detailed justifications for these grave decisions. On Thursday afternoon, 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,…

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