Holocaust Deniers Tell the TRUTH
Holocaust Deniers Tell the TRUTH
In this 12 minute video, Jim Rizoli, shows that an article on the internet on how to fight "Holocaust denial" is actually of lies, and that it is the "Holocaust deniers" who tell the truth. Apart from smears like that the Insitute of Historical Review is anti-semetic, the article contains enough information to convince any neutral person it is full of falsehoods. Jim points to a picture of dead prisoners at Nordhausen, which purports to be victims of a German extermination program against Jews. In fact, it is well known that the picture is of prisoners killed in a bombing raid by the Allies. Another photo shows children dressed in striped prisoner uniforms (for adults) at Birkenau. In fact, the children did not wear uniforms, and it is clear the picture is posed by the Soviets. Jim also talks about other misrepersentations in the article.
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