Holocaust Survivors Eating Human Flesh: Freddie Knoller’s Testimony
One of the outrageous claims made possible to support the unique monstrosity of the Germans is found in the Holocaust Survivor’s testimonies. Here we can listen to a plethora of bizarre, horrific, petrifying, grotesque and overall fantastic stories that according to those who tell them are true.

In the fact we have not much room to contest the veracity of these tales, totally subjective to the experience of those who tell them, we can use logical thinking to see through them but since the Holocaust as we know it has been turned into a religious event, informed chiefly by emotions, a moment of unique suffering of one people, blended with divinity and sacredness and even for some Jewish theologians an annunciation, a prophetic event, this historical event and its tales are open to free interpretation and impregnated with intellectual blindness.
Along with this, there is the Holocaust Industry that these beliefs have help to create and support, as it has been well described by Professor Norman Finkelstein in his book The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering ,those who know Finkelstein’s story are aware that he went from being a respected Jewish intellectual at De Paul University, a Catholic university, to become a so called self-hating-Jew as Alan Dershowitz has publically declared him. Finkelstein was ruined by publishing this book where he exposes the economic exploitation of the “unique suffering of the Jews” by a bunch of moral entrepreneurs, and points out the laxity of research when it comes to Holocaust survival testimonies among other things.
So revisionists have for long focused on the fantastic tales that are just not possible in the real world. We have a classic example of exaggeration and fantasies with Elie Wiesel. Many things that are not probable can be found in his book Night, which incredibly is not classified at a book store under fiction but rather as a nonfiction work.
One of my passions is literature but one cannot believe that all that happens in Dostoevsky’s novels is fact or that the exaggerations of “Magic Realism”, a literary style used by many writers such Gabriel Garcia Marquez, awarded a Nobel Prize, are to be taken word by word, factual, as he, for example, tells of days and nights of non-stop rain that flooded a small town in Colombia because of the immense sadness of one of his main characters in his famous novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Well, Elie is unique when it comes to describe fact from fiction in his book, The Jews of Silence: A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry, he tells us that “Eye witnesses say that- at Babi Yar in the Ukraine- for months after the killings the ground continued to spurt geysers of blood.” Really? “geysers of blood” for months and months after the killings…? Are we supposed to take this as a historical fact, as an eyewitness testimony of the horror and suffering of what the Holocaust was for the Jews who suffered it?
The problem also lies in the fact that Elie Wiesel is a true believer who defends every bit and piece of the fantastic narrative of the suffering of Jews during WWII.
And he also defends outrageous testimonies that could not have had happened and that are not true and seriously contested by those exterminationalist historians who ask us to believe in their research work as not only rigorous but unbiased.
As I say here there are many cases of eyewitness testimonies that just do not add up, like the well known Abraham Bomba, a Jewish barber at Auschwitz who becomes one of the stars with his outrageous tales in the famous nine-and-a-half hour film-documentary by Claude Lanzmann, Shoah.
Freddie Knoller is not as famous as the previous characters but his claims are not at all diminished by the lack of fame and attention many of these survivors get, 15 minutes of fame, as Andy Warhol would say, can actually do a lot for some people.
At Ninety-five years old, Freddie Knoller, a survivor of Auschwitz, says it was not uncommon to eat human flesh since hunger was at epidemic proportions. He has written two books, Living with the Enemy and Desperate Journey (both published by Metro Books).
Born on April 17, 1921, in Vienna, Austria, Knoller ended transported to Auschwitz, after living years in Paris, in November 1943. He says that after 15 months in different camps “hunger among the inmates was so bad they ate anything to survive, including human flesh.” As part of his testimony he describes the scene, a classic one, when getting off the train at Auschwitz “the doors opened and we saw SS in uniform…'They all had dogs on leads, whips in their hand…They told us we would soon smell a sweet smell in the air which was the bodies being burned…quite soon afterwards, we smelt that sweet smell coming over from Birkenau, and realized that it was really true and they were cremating the bodies of their relatives.”
After the evacuation of Auschwitz, he was taken to Bergen-Belsen in March 1945. There he says "The ground was full of dead people and I saw with my own eyes young people finding sharp stones and cutting up the flesh of the dead bodies to roast over fire…"
Well after all we have heard from Holocaust survivors, Freddie Knoller’s testimony could possibly be true but then again “geysers of blood” would also have to be possible. Don’t you think?
Bibliographic information about this document: http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres4/NFHolindustry.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoah_(film), http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/27/genocide-survivors-cambodia-rwanda-holocaust-memorial-day, https://www.timesoftunbridgewells.co.uk/holocaust-survivors-story-is-still-relevant-today/, http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/523476/26270953/1432918801417/eliewiesel-nightfulltext_3_26_2014_3_23_04_pm.pdf?token=dzwW6maPj4JdWgMDZeCxwfT6%2BGo%3D
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