Smith’s Report, no. 6, August 1991
In this issue of Smith's I have news about the American Jewish Committee, a new publication for Talk Media professionals, how Holocaust Revisionism has begun to stir up interest in the alternative press and the latest on the Campus Project at Northwestern.
A Valuable New Publication
I first heard about Talkers: The Newspaper for Talk Media when an associate telephoned to tell me about it the last week in June. What prompted him to call was that he had discovered that the 5 May issue of Talkers contained an 8-page, paid advertisement inserted by the American Jewish Committee titled “Hate On Talk Radio,” that Holocaust Revisionism plays a prominent role in the article, and that I am singled out as being the most sinister and dangerous individual promoting Revisionist theory on American media.
It took ten days to get a copy of that issue of Talkers in my hand to see for myself what was going on (my associate had only photocopies of some passages from the paper). Talkers is a good looking tabloid printed on heavy white stock and goes to everyone in Talk media, including producers, program directors and station managers as well as hosts. It's published every other Monday out of Longmeadow MA. It will be a valuable tool to use in my approach to Talk media with the Good News of Revisionism.
The 8-tabloid-page, paid advertisement cooked up by the American Jewish Committee is really something. Researched by and written by Kenneth S. Stern, “program specialist on anti-Semitism and extremism” for the AJC, it is a classic example of ritual defamation used by leading Jewish organizations to destroy the character of those people it attacks while evading every possibility for discussion of the issues.
Stern introduces his subject, getting the “neo-Nazis” in there right out of the chute, then breaks up the eight pages into sections headed: “What The Government Does;” “How Talk Radio Works;” “The Political Potential Of Talk Radio;” “How Hosts Counter Bigotry;” “Extremists On Radio;” “Black Stations;” “What The Industry Can Do;” “What Communities Can Do about Hate On The Radio” and “How To Counter Hate On Talk Radio.”
In his section “Extremists On Radio” the AJC's Stern writes that “There is a concerted effort by some right-wing hate groups to use the airwaves to spread their message. Radio gives them a forum, and grants them a measure of legitimacy. Their ideas, no matter how bizarre, gain a measure of normalcy if the presenter is poised and polished.
“Barry Farber …(WABC, New York City)… has been attacked for refusing to give such folk a forum. Bradley Smith, a spokesperson for Holocaust revisionists, tries to get onto the air as frequently as he can. The Holocaust, in his view, is a `hoax' Jews made up to justify the creation of the state of Israel. And Smith has distributed promotional literature to radio producers – postcards even – that smear Farber for not allowing revisionists on the airwaves.”
As a matter of fact Barry Farber did interview me – on WABC radio. He had me on for two or three hours, along with someone from Ronald Reagan's “sub-cabinet” on something. (I have a cassette recording of the interview if you want to listen to it. It was one of my early broadcasts.) After that I booked another interview on the Barry Farber Show for Fritz Berg and Mark Weber, both on the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Historical Review. (I have a cassette
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recording of this interview as well if you want to listen to it.) And after that an associate, Dr. Robert Countess, who has since joined the JHR editorial advisory board booked himself onto the Barry Farber show. (Sorry, no cassette.)
I think the truth of the matter is that when Barry Farber discovered that there is something to Revisionist theory he wet his pants and went on the defensive. That's when I discovered the article in the 17 May 1990 issue of the Jewish Advocate titled “National Radio Talk-Show Host Bars Revisionist Historians.” The article reports that Barry Farber addressed the Association of Orthodox Jews in Communications and explicitly urges them to black-ball Holocaust revisionism from those stations in which they have influence – and you can bet a bundle that the Association of Orthodox Jews in Communications has got plenty of influence in that industry.
That's when I included a flyer in one of my regular mailings to Talk media in which I reprinted the Advocate article in its entirety and described “BARRY-FARBERISM as the MC CARTHYISM FOR THE 1990s.” This is the sort of thing that the American Jewish Committee thinks of as a smear. (I have a photocopy of this solicitation if you want to see it for yourself.)
Stern interviews Mike Rosen (KOA, Denver); “Bradley Smith is simply not somebody that you entertain civilly.” – Jim Althoff (KING, Seattle); “I just blow them off. I don't want to hear that.” In fact, however, Althoff has interviewed me. – Carol Hemingway (KGIL, Los Angeles); “There are certain limits to what is going to be heard on my program. Not lies.” Carol, true to her word, hasn't interviewed me. – Bob Ray Sanders (KLIF, Dallas); This interview was to discuss the question of whether it was a good idea to try to set up “war crimes” trials for the Iraqis. The tie-in was to consider the question in light of what happened during the war crimes trials held for the Germans and Japanese. “Smith started talking about the Holocaust being a hoax. I was shocked.” I don't remember Bob Ray being very shocked. I remember him having a few laughs over it. I have a cassette recording of the interview if you'd like to hear for yourself. Maybe my memory fails me.
There is so much material about the issues facing Talk Radio in this polemic that you really have to take a look at it. I've photocopied it onto 11 pages of 8 1/2 by 14 paper and I'd like to send it to you for a donation.
What the American Jewish Committee has revealed with the publication of its paid advertisement in Talkers is that the Committee has reached that place where it believes that it is more dangerous to allow me to present the case for Revisionist theory on media than it is for them to expose themselves as a force for the suppression and censorship of open debate in American media. The AJC has taken a calculated risk. I will do what I can to see that it fails. I will go straight ahead, soliciting interviews on both radio and TV from one end of the country to the other, and using Talkers and the AJC advertisement themselves as tools, to demonstrate the anti-American character of the American Jewish Committee. I like it.
Hosting talk shows on radio and TV has developed into a specific profession. It's practitioners have doubled in number over the last five years. Two years ago Jerry Williams (the Boston talker who interviewed Fred Leuchter and me and a JDL agent for an hour on Boston television) founded The National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts (NARTSH). Talkers: The Newspaper of Talk Media is the first trade publication to deal specifically with this new profession. Where does NARTSH advertise it's upcoming events? In Talkers. I expect Talkers to be a very valuable media tool for me to use to further The Project. For the first time since I have been in this business there is a trade publication that will keep me informed of what goes on behind the scenes.
I have submitted an advertisement to Talkers soliciting inter views from radio and TV personalities. I don't see how it can be rejected after the publication of the AJC advertisement. In the ad I don't mention the AJC's slanderous article. I stay above the fray, as it were. But from this time on, every time I do an interview on radio or media, I'm going to attack the American Jewish Committee for its out-in-the-open attempt to black-ball me and Holocaust revisionism from the air waves.
Northwestern University
The Campus Project at Northwestern began last fall when I discovered that the small conservative Northwestern Review had published an article by student journalist Ravi Nessman headed “Arthur Butz: A Hoax of a Professor.” The article was the sort of straight ahead hatchet job without any intellectual subtleties whatever so favored by Jewish campus organizations, particularly Hillel. It was the last of a series of neo-Stalinist attacks against the author of The
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Hoax of the Twentieth Century that began 13 years ago. I decided it was time for somebody to do something about it. What followed is the most sustained discussion of the issues of a Free Press and

This is the ad that will run in Talkers censorship in relation to Revisionist theory that has ever appeared on a university campus in America.
Many of you subscribe to the IHRNL. I wrote a lengthy report on the Northwestern affair for the July/August issue of the IHRNL so I will quote only from the opening paragraph here. The Campus Project at Northwestern has managed to:
“…embolden (history) Professor Peter Hayes to new absurdities; inspire a four-professor panel discussion which split down the middle on whether the Daily Northwestern had done the right thing in placing my ad; elicit coverage of the affair in the Chicago Tribune; get Professor Arthur Butz to publish, for the fist time in 13 years at Northwestern, a brief introduction to his case for Holocaust Revisionism; get Northwestern University President Arnold Weber to speak out on Revisionism, free speech, and Butz's Hoax of the Twentieth Century; and stimulate the Daily Northwestern to turn down a new Campus Project ad, even as it made itself look silly by publishing editorials and opening its columns to new attacks on Revisionism.”
Communications student Ravi Nessman, who wrote the original Hillel-inspired hatchet job on Professor Arthur Butz, was also the writer of the final outburst of close-minded bigotry and bad manners headed “Groping For Toehold At NU, Revisionists Slip On The Facts.” This time his well-written invective was published by The Daily Northwestern, to a much larger audience.
A couple days later Ravi called me back to ask if was true that I was offering $5,000 to any person or any individual at Northwestern who would arrange to get me an invitation to speak at the university. That was the surprising rumor that was circulating on campus. The rumor was false, of course. That's how the gas chamber story circulated at Auschwitz. A rumor got started but the Ravi Nessmans, who may well have started the rumor in the first place, had no one to go to who was trustworthy to ask if it were true.
Since there is not a single academic at Northwestern University (other than Professor Butz) who has been willing to come out of the closet to support Revisionist theory, I don't want to hold Ravi entirely responsible for his bad faith. It's not really very remarkable to find that most of our bright young men, even in a democratic society, choose to hand their brains and their hearts over to the ideologies and cults of their fathers, no matter how sordid those associations might be.
The week following when I submitted a new classified ad to The Daily I was told that from now on all advertising material that treats with the Holocaust has to be approved by its Board of Directors. =46rom telephone conversations with individuals at The Daily I learned that the Board of Directors were particularly concerned with advertisements with “editorial” content. The result was that my new ad was rejected. I'll take care of that.
In June I was surprised to hear from Rabbi Michael Balinsky of Northwestern Hillel, a leading spark on that campus in the campaign to shut down free inquiry. He called my associate Ed Mueller in Chicago to ask for a couple back issues of Smith's Report. Balinsky is the fellow who tells reporters for The Daily that Professor Butz is a liar and that his book is based on lies, but doesn't want to demonstrate what these lies
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are. I sent along the back issues of Smith's Report. Maybe Rabbi Balinksy wants to kiss and make up, but I suppose he has some other motive in mind. I sent along a cover letter pointing out that he's been a very naughty rabbi, and offered a little advice for his young friend Ravi.
The Northwestern File has more than 40 pages of published and some unpublished letters documenting The Project at the campus since its inception in November 1990. An open letter to Professor Hayes, correspondence with Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn and the good Rabbi Michael Balinsky of Hillel and others are included. Write for it. It costs about 10 cents per page to photocopy this material plus p&h.
National Association for College Activities
I reported last issue that there was a movement building in NACA to persuade Programming to refuse to publish my ad in that key magazine. Programming is THE magazine to advertise your availability to speak on college campuses. The people at NACA have been cooperative and equitable. I made some changes in my ad, for the better I believe, and Programming continues to publish it. This slick and very professional magazine goes to the lecture buyers representing more than 1,000 colleges nationwide.
The Boston Project
We're still searching here. We left The Daily Free Press at Boston University, where we had start-up problems and entered too late in the school year. Ross Vicksell, who is representing Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust in the New England area, has opted to run the CODOH ad in Northeastern University's The Northeastern News. He points out that Northeastern has got a larger percentage of students from working class families than many of the more renowned New England universities and suggests that these students are less likely to be cowed by the Jewish Holocaust Lobby than those who have been raised in a hot-house liberal cultural environment. The new Boston Area CODOH number is 617 / 270 4689.
Ross did not disband the Organization of New England Revisionists, as I reported in SR-5, but disassociated himself from it. I expect to have more news about activities in the Boston area in SR-7.
THE WHITE PAPER. Patrick Ferral is moving straight ahead on this one (See SR-4 & 5.) He has put together a 14-page first mock-up of the Paper, has ordered the first photos from the National Archives, and has worked out drafts for some of the text. If you have any suggestions or ideas for him he can be reached at: PO Box 2906, Gardnerville NV, 89410.
ED MUELLER'S contact telephone number in the Chicago area is 707/824 3255. In SR-5 I had the area code wrong. This will become an important number once the Campus Project resumes in the Chicago area in September.
THE MERMELSTEIN TRIAL. I'm in a kind of schizophrenic relationship with this very, very important trial. I am the one who wrote the offending words, writing in two issues of the IHRNL in 1985 that Mermelstein is a “demonstable fraud,” which Mermelstein used as his excuse to sue The Institute for Historical Review. Yet I'm not being sued myself. I'm judgement proof, as they say, having nothing worth taking and it's not worth the bother to try to send me to jail. I have been deposed twice, once in Fresno and once in Los Angeles, and I'll be a witness during the proceedings. Other than preparing my own testimony, I have no direct role to play in the trial itself. So while I am intimately involved with the proceedings, in a certain way I am outside of them too.
The trial is expected to draw a lot of media and I'm going to do what I can with it. If the past is any guide to the future, the press will arrive at court with a mindless confidence that there is nothing for it to learn and that dumping on the Revisionists should be the order of the day. I'd like to do what I can to modify that scenario. We'll see.
Twisted Image, or, the Value of the Alternative Press
A while back I wrote an article for Loompanics catalog titled “Interview With a Holocaust Revisionist.” In the article I answered a series of questions put to me by Loompanics publisher Mike Hoy. Loompanics bills itself as “the best catalog in the world” and sells an anarchic selection of radical, obscene, and near criminal titles.
The Interview is still raising raised a considerable stir among its otherwise radical and open-to-anything readers. Last year Hoy published Loompanics' Greatest Hits. My Interview is included.
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The book has been reviewed widely in both the mainstream and alternative press. Even in this collection of articles dealing with radical, taboo and violent materials, the “Interview With a Holocaust Revisonist” created the most controversy. But it has been looked upon favorably by a number of “rock,” radical and “underground” periodicals. It appears that Revisionists might become heroes to those among the young who are least interested in blindly following the beliefs and ideals of my generation.
The most interesting figure to come forth from all this is a widely read comic strip artist who bills himself as Ace Backwords. Ace publishes a xeroxed “zine” he calls TWISTED IMAGE, The Monthly Newsletter of Comix, Music, and quite possibly Something Else. As the title suggests, TWISTED IMAGE is politically radical, sexually explicit (to say the least) and focuses on popular culture, particularly television. Last month he wrote to say that he'd reached a Rubicon with the Holocaust / media / Jewish thing. What had pushed him over the edge was an article from National Vanguard called “Who Controls The Media.”
As Ace read “Who Controls The Media” he began to realize that while he is “allowed” to criticize anyone in America from the President on down, and that any one of 50 periodicals might be willing to buy the strip from him in any given month, that there are a few exceptions. Namely, a few things that organized Jewry does not want discussed. “I was stunned by some of this information,” he writes, “particularly with regard to Jewish domination in mass media. Call me stupid, but I never noticed it before….”
The night he read “Who Controls The Media” he says he made two important decisions. He unplugged his TV and tossed it in the closet, and he sat down to write me a letter to begin to find out in some organized way what the real story about the Holocaust and the suppression of Revisionist theory in media is all about. He didn't feel very happy about what he was getting into. He felt he would lose markets for his work (sounds familiar to me), and he wrote that he had never felt more exposed or more alone in his life.
But Ace is an independent soul and he recovered pretty quickly. In the latest issue of TWISTED IMAGE (June 91), he not only publishes a strip where he talks about “The powerful Jewish lobby….” but he publishes the opening passages of “Who Controls The Media.”
TWISTED IMAGE may prove to be a vital spark for free inquiry about the Holocaust story within a vital part of American culture that so far has remained impervious to it, among young intellectuals and others who are more open than many to dissident opinion.
I'll photocopy the 10-page, June 91 issue of TWISTED IMAGE for you for the usual contribution. If you want to follow the story and see how Jewish media influence and maybe even Revisionist theory might be treated in the world of “comix,” you will want to subscribe at $12 per 12 issues. If you will be offended by obscenity and lasciviousness, don't send for it.
The LOOMPANICS catalog can be got for $3 from PO Box 1197, Port Townsend WA, 98368.
A Pennsylvania man has mailed me a list of 60 independent conservative newspapers publishing on U.S. college campuses. This valuable list was provided originally by The Leadership Institute in Springfield VA. In the Institute's cover letter it's noted that all the 60 campus papers “are fighting liberal media bias.”
From San Francisco I have received a clipping from the Chronicle headed “New Estimate Of Soviet Jews. There are more than 4 million Jews in the Soviet Union, rather than the 2 million or so previously thought” according to Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon. Last year the Auschwitz Museum found that only 1 million Jews had been exterminated there rather than 4 million. Now we see that another 2 million lucky Jews have been discovered alive and well in the Soviet Union. Five million, then, and going for six! But who's celebrating?
A Philadelphia man sends a copy of a letter from The Catholic League. A Catholic couple in Vermont refused to print membership materials for the pro-abortion “Catholics for Free Choice.” The ACLU has filed suit in the Vermont courts seeking an injunction that will force the Couple to print pro-abortion materials. This suggests to me that the ACLU might well be obligated to file suit in the Illinois courts to force The Daily Northwestern and other Illinois campus papers to run ads placed by CODOH.
A new local printer and myself got our wires a little crossed during the printing of SR-5. Several items were “dropped” from the printing, including the photograph of my stepdaughter, who is taking care of the mail lists, processing the mail, doing the shipping
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and much of the work on the computer. Anyhow, for better or for worse here is the likeness, as we used to put it, of Irene-Magaly Pacheco Altamirano – or simply: Magaly. [Here omitted for privacy's sake; ed.]
MAILING LISTS. When I solicited funds in SR-5 to use the mailing lists I obtained from David McCalden's estate, I felt certain they would play a major role in making the new contacts I need to get this project into a healthy financial state. I was quite wrong. I did receive funds to mail material to his core list of some 750 names and a few hundred others. The mailing didn't even return costs. Based on that, I will not attempt to solicit support from the second, much larger list I received at the same time. Not many people pitched in with funds for this particular effort. I'm left with the impression that maybe you had a more accurate estimate of the value of the lists than I did.
I have manuscripts finished for three booklets that should be published but I haven't had the funds to do it. Each booklet is a cross-over title, not meant for the Revisionist camp alone. By publishing even very small editions of these booklets, sometimes as few as 200 copies, they can be used in advertisements, to solicit interviews, to gain the attention of mainline publishers and many other purposes. With a really quite small investment, announcements of titles like these can be circulating through the press and publishing industries in a matter of weeks. In addition to presenting the title material, each booklet will also advertise the others, Smith's Report, Confessions, and Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, etc.
If you're interested but want to judge the materials for yourself before you put any money into them, I'll send you a manuscript copy of the booklet you're interested in. $5 should cover costs. No charge for the RUB-A-DUB-DUB texts.
RUB-A-DUB-DUB: Notes on the Jewish Soap Scam. When I received the printed edition of this self-mailer booklet I found one page had been dropped from the text. It was my fault. I haven't had the funds to reprint it. The new printing will contain additional text, which is already typeset. This little booklet has can cause a great big scandal. Costs: about $150.
MEN WHO DENY THE HOLOCAUST: An Interview With Robert Faurisson. This is the first excerpt from extensive interviews with Professor Faurisson's about his growing up in WW II France and his university life at the close of it. This material is not available anywhere else. MEN WHO DENY…. will contain interviews with, among others, Ernst Zuendel, Fred Leuchter, Willis Carto, Hans Schmidt, Mark Weber, et al. Costs to do a small printing will be about $300.
CONFESSIONS OF A HOLOCAUST REVISIONIST: Second (Enlarged) Edition. My original plan was to do a second volume of Confessions which would be Part II. Trying to earn a living with Revisionist activism uses up so much time that I wasn't able to finish Part II before the original concept lost its value to me. I am now putting all the original and all the new materials together into one volume, which will be identified as the Second (Enlarged) Edition. The whole will make a substantial volume in ten Sections. I'm going to publish it Section by Section. Section One has three new chapters no one has read. Costs: about $250.
Thanks for your support, and I hope you're having a reasonably enjoyable summer. Here in Visalia the daily temperature is a little to one side or the other of 100 degrees. Temperatures in the low 90s are greeted as a cooling off from uncomfortable summer heat. Last January, on the other hand, there was a freeze that destroyed the orange crop. Out driving you could see mile after mile of orchards, the bare trees standing in beds of rotting oranges.
Best wishes
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 6, August 1991
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a