Jim Rizoli Interviews Germar Rudolf (July 2017)
On a Series of video interviews called "The League of Extraordinary Revisionists " Jim Rizoli updates us on Germar Rudolf and his battle for free speech, July 2017. Germar relates the facts about the chemistry of the "Holocau$t" lie at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and shows that NO "gassing of Jews" took place there You can have it complicated or simple, lets say that Germar can explain both in detail. It is claimed by Jewish supremacists, USSR apologists, and other "useful idiots" of Stalin that the use of Zyclon B (or Cyclone B in English) does not leave any residual traces of "Prussian Blue" on the walls, and that any use would be destroyed by years of "weathering". Germar shows that clearly the "delousing" chambers where the use of Zyclon B (or Cyclone B in English) is not disputed, shows that the outside wall is "Prussian blued" with use. This means the substance not only went on the walls, but penetrated through them. Of course, this rebuttal is not enough for the Jewish-Communist liars, who then claim only "some"of the Zyclon B was used to kill Jews. [The communists used to claim that other nationalities were also gassed, but they seem to forget this.] Consequently, Holocau$t "experts" like Jean-Claude Pressac claim that most Zyclon B was used to delouse clothing and only a small amount to "gas" Jews, another useless statement and another distraction.
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