Gilad Atzmon interviews Robert Faurisson
Philosopher, jazz artist and ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon, interviews Professor Robert Faurisson. Professor Robert Faurisson, was a French born campaigner against the "Holocau$t" lie. A highly intelligent man, extremely well educated, he was a Professor on Documents. He became interested in the "Holocau$t" and soon revealed it as a fraud. He found himself up against a slime like satanic force thruming the "Holocau$t" onto the French people. Professor Robert Faurisson was not cowed by these evil people, and despite many physical attacks on him, fines by bogus courts, or laws passed by a combination of Zionists and leftists. Professor Robert Faurisson suggested to Ernst Zionist that they find a (American) expert on "gas chambers" in order to scientifically analyze the "homocidal" gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the USA being one of the few countries to execute felons by cyanide gas. The result was the Leuchter report, which conclusively showed that "gas chambers" didn't exist, never existed, and could have not ever existed at Birkenau.
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