Jürgen Graf Holocaust Propaganda for the Kalergi Plan (5:51 min)
In this 5 minute video clip, Jürgen Graf, a brilliant Swiss scholar and linguist talks about the Kalergi Plan. Jurgen tells of his early days and his struggle for the truth. After researching the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, he became convinced of two things. One, was that the governments in the West are merely puppet like. Two, that all these governments are instrumental in mass immigration of non-Europeans into Europe. Jurgen noticed that where ever point two was discussed, the "Holocaust" atrocity hate propaganda was used as a counter to oppose any controls of non-Europeans into Europe. This was not only directed at Germany and Austria, but every European country. Consequently, any attempt by Europeans to maintain their own identity, national pride or race consciousness was frustrated. Jurgen became convinced that race-mixing was being deliberately being promoted to cause racial tension and ethnic strife. This idea of bringing "peace" by race-mixing has been suggested before, and one of these idiots was a certain Count Kalergi, who was of mixed-race.
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