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New Police Raid at My House

Today, Thursday, November 13, 2008, at 6:15 AM, two investigators from the Police Judiciaire in Paris, having arrived in Vichy yesterday evening, burst into my house accompanied by three uniformed policemen, not without deliberately making a great deal of noise. This caused a severe nervous shock to my wife, who, at 77, suffers from a…

The Alleged First Gas Chamber Building at Sobibór

Introduction It is alleged in regard to all three Aktion Reinhardt camps “Belzec, Sobibór, Treblinka” that they each contained two buildings with homicidal gas chambers during their respective period of operation. At Belzec, we are told, the first gas chamber building “a wooden barrack containing three chambers” was torn down and replaced with a larger…

The Walls of Auschwitz

Three main chemical investigations have been performed concerning residual cyanide in the walls of alleged ‘gas chambers’ at Auschwitz: by Leuchter, Rudolf and by Markiewicz. Over the two decades since Leuchter first sampled, debates have raged concerning where the samples were taken from, whether it was really ‘historic’ brickwork, how porous the brickwork was to…

Mengele: The Complete Story

Mengele: The Complete Story, by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware (McGraw-Hill, New York 1986). Gerald Posner is a Jewish-American journalist, born in 1954 and perhaps most well-known for his book Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK (1993). In it, Posner asserts that virtually all of the findings of the Warren…

A troubling symptom of revisionism

Lithuanian-born Yitzhak Arad (b. 1926) is one of the most prominent orthodox "Holocaust" historians. After illegally entering Palestine in 1945, he started a military career within the Zionist militias and terrorist groups that later evolved into the Israeli Defense Force. Eventually he reached the rank of brigadier general and was appointed to the post of…

Leuchter Twenty Years On (2008)

Ask anyone in the UK who has heard of the Leuchter Report and you can be fairly sure they will tell you the same thing: it has been ‘discredited.’ But –“behold, O Dionysus,” as Nietzsche would have said, “I sing a new song”: there are two different references we need to fully unpack the meaning…

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