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Letter Protesting the Austrian Prosecution of Dissident Historian-Writer David Irving

Via email to [email protected] To Whom It May Concern: Historian David Irving handcuffed in Austria for dissident history I have a few questions I should like to ask you in regard to Austrian Law. Does Austria have a law which will punish denial or the minimization of the murder of tens of millions of Christians/Gentiles…

The Verdict on Irving

The sentencing of British historian David Irving to three years imprisonment for holding illegal opinions has once again brought the Holocaust to mind, coming as it does on the heels of the President of Iran's recent remarks. At the same time, Irving's sentence follows two weeks of violence over the now famous series of Mohammed…

For Hossein Amiri

I have not yet met Hossein Amiri, who works at the Iranian press agency Mehr News, and have not read the manuscript of the book on the “Holocaust” and on revisionism that, as he tells me, he plans to have published soon by the Center for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies (…

Christian Morality and Holocaust Revisionism

Recently, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, declared that Holocaust denial is tantamount to “sacrilege” after he issued a message of solidarity to Britain's Jewish community ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.[1] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” So, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor is saying…

Christian News Writers Meet at Revisionist/ Institute for Historical Review Convention

Editor’s note: The following essay was originally published in the Vol. 28, No. 42, November 12, 1990 issue (pages 1, 18) of Christian News (CN), a Lutheran weekly published out of New Haven, Mo. It was a front page article, accompanied by a photograph of Revisionist writers who attended the 1990 conference of the Institute…

Theil convicted of “revisionist questioning” in France

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On January 3, by decision of the high court of Lyon (6th chamber, where press-related cases are heard; presiding judge: Fernand Schir), Mr Georges Theil, a former elected official from the Front National, was found guilty, under the Fabius-Gayssot Act (July 13, 1990), of a revisionist…

Freedom of Speech and Holocaust Revisionism in Germany and Austria

In recent times four major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement have been arrested on “Holocaust denial” charges. German scientist Germar Rudolf and German revisionist activist Ernst Zundel were deported from the United States and will stand trial in Germany. Likewise with Siegfried Verbeke, as he was extradited from Belgium for trial in Germany. British…

Germar Rudolf: Victim of Witchhunt for Scientists in Germany

We demand: §19 of UN Charter of Human Rights (human right of free speech) must be valid for German Scientists too! We demand: §6 Sec. 3 of European Human Rights Convention (right to have one's own case fairly presented) must be valid for German Scientists too! This flyer, further info and publications from: [address no…

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