Archive of Posts

Should Germany and Austria Tolerate Holocaust Revisionism?

In recent times three major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, and David Irving, were arrested and are going to be put on trial for denying the Holocaust. Zündel and Rudolf in Germany, and Irving in Austria. Germany and Austria both have harsh laws that proscribe Holocaust revisionist viewpoints. In the…

The “Holocaust” Ad: A Study in Hypocrisy

Editor’s Note: In the early 1990s, free-speech advocate Bradley Smith attempted to place a full-page ad explaining the Holocaust revisionist position in college newspapers throughout the United States. The ad was published by some papers at institutions of higher learning, and rejected by others. In response to this campaign, the following article was originally published…

The Non-Existent “Auschwitz Gas Chambers” of Deborah Lipstadt and Robert Jan van Pelt

Preliminary note: This essay is dedicated to the Holocaust revisionist scholar, Dr. Robert Faurisson. He was the first to point out the chemical and toxicological impossibility of these Auschwitz gas chamber stories. Part 1 I In her 1993 critique of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, prominent…

Prisoners of Conscience and Holocaust Revisionism

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, DC 20500 December 28, 2005 Dear President Bush, In a public statement issued on December 10, 2005 , you called for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience by the Syrian authorities, labeling the imprisonment of these individuals as an example of the government…

Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks on the Jewish “Holocaust”

December 18, 2005 Recently I was asked for my opinion on the recent remarks of Iran's President Ahmadinejad on the subject of the Jewish “Holocaust”. Here they are. I base my comments on the reports on these remarks that I have read in the Western press. In 1976 I published a book, entitled “The Hoax…

With Regard to Your Article “Don't Even Think It”

Dear Mr. Stang: I applaud your article, “Don't Even Think It.” This is one of the few commentaries I have read which defends the rights of Holocaust revisionists generally and David Irving and Germar Rudolf specifically. To be upfront, I am a Holocaust revisionist. I have met both Mr. Rudolf and Mr. Irving personally. For…

Free Speech, Free David Irving

Christopher Jon Bjerknes is a historian of science who has published several books and articles on the history of the theory of relativity. His work has been cited in peer reviewed journals and books. He writes: “I am deeply troubled by the persecution of historians taking place in Europe today.” The following 10,000-word article explains…

Intellegent design and Holocaust “denial”

The following discussion ensued as a result of commentary posted on the Website of the History News Network. It abruptly ended when the Anti-Defamation League intervened and “enlightened” all participants about the “evil character” of Bradley R. Smith. Codoh Editor Comments (1)Intellegent design and Holocaust “denial” (#70926)by Bradley Reed Smith on November 13, 2005 at…

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