Archive of Posts

The Myth of Holocaust Compensation

One of the themes that has emerged in the recent convulsion of reparations demands is that Jewish Holocaust victims should be compensated for all the monies and properties lost as a result of Nazi tyranny. In a sense, this seems only just, because if a person has their belongings stolen they deserve to get them…

Thought Experiment

Suppose one day you opened your Sunday paper and found out that a bunch of activist Christians had gotten together and taken out an ad declaring that Judaism was not responsible for the Russian Revolution. You would probably think they were a little bit crazy to even say that, the second thing you might think…

Galilee Flowers

February 25, 2001 When in 1543, the typhoon-blown Portuguese schooners approached the shores of Japan, the astonished sailors could not believe their eyes: on a warm spring day, the tropical island ahoy was buried under snow. They were witness to one of the real Seven Wonders of the World, the flowers of sakura, the wild…

Kid Sister

Jaffa, 17.2.2001 After the last episode of the 'Fateful Elections', the actors amiably shared the trophies backstage. The muse of Israeli politics, like Coca-Cola, wishes to please everybody. Whoever thought that Barak was the best candidate, will be pleased to have him back in power as the Minister of Defense. Those who were about to…

No One Gassed at Dachau (1961)

Several of the letters of Austin J. App are to be presented as part of the CODOH Revisionist Library. These are important to the historiography of Holocaust revisionism as they are some of the earliest works to question the formative Holocaust story. These works are being presented for researchers as they are rare documents. They…

Police Search!

Today at 7.45 am four police officers carried out an extensive search of my house. They acted under a warrant issued by the Parisian examining magistrate (juge d'instruction) Jean-Paul Valat. Three of them had come from Paris and the fourth from the local Vichy police station. They found none of the objects for which they…

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